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Biology (nutrition)

In English
Biology (nutrition)


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44 questions
What you must do to the newest solution? (lipids)
Put your thumb ontop and tip it down and then back up
What does balanced diet mean?
Having the right amount of each food group so that the person is in good health
What does malnutrition mean?
When the body doesnt have a balance diet and this leads to health problems
Food examples of Carbohydrates? (starch)
Rice, pasta, bread and potatoes.
Function of carbohydrates? (starch)
They are broken to give a slow energy release
Food examples of carbohydrates? (sugar)
Sweets, fizzy drinks, cakes, biscuits
Food examples of protein?
Meet, cheese, fish, nuts, beans
Functions of protein?
Building and repairing tissue growth and healing, a lack can lead to stunt growth
Building blocks for fats?
Fatty acids and Glucelol
Example foods of fats?
Fried food, cheese, pork butter
Functions of fat?
Broken down to release lots of energy
Functions of vitamin c?
Helps healing and healthy skin. A lack can lead to scurvy where gums bleed and wounds do not heal
Examples of foods for vitamin D?
Your skin makes it when is it exposed to sunlight
Functions of vitamin d?
Needed to make strong bones, a lack can lead to rickets where ones are soft and leg bones aren't straight.
Functions of iron ?
Needed to make hemoglobin in red blood cells to carry oxygen, a lack can read to tiredness
Functions of calcuim?
Needed to make hard bones, a lack can lead to brittle bones, astiporosis.
Example foods for fibre?
Any fruits and vegetables
Functions of fibre?
Needed for peristalsis (moving food through intestines), a lack can lead to constipation or colon caner.