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Chapters 7,9,10

In English

Created by:
Tyresha Warren

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naturally present on and in the human body and in the environment (tiny usually microscopic, entities capable of carrying on living processes)

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145 questions
Naturally present on and in the human body and in the environment (tiny usually microscopic, entities capable of carrying on living processes)
Infection Prevention and Control
Policies and procedures to minimize the spread of health care associated or Community acquired infections
The absence of pathogenic microorganisms
Medical asepsis
Known as the clean technique
Surgical asepsis
Known as the sterile technique
Chain of infection
Infection agent, reservoir, portal of exit, method of transmission, portal of entry, host
The use of a chemical that can be applied to objects to destroy microorganisms
A substance that tends to inhibit the growth and reproduction of microorganism and may be used humans
Aerobic bacteria
Grows only in the presence of oxygen
Bacteria grows only in the absence of oxygen
A round body that is formed by the bacterium when conditions are unfavorable for growth of the bacterium
Bacillus anthracis
Causes the acute infectious disease of anthrax
What are the three forms of anthrax infection
Cutaneous, gastrointestinal, inhalation
Any natural habitat of a micrograms that promotes growth and reproduction
Carrier or vector
Is a person or animal that does not become ill but harbors and spreads organisms, causing disease in others
Is the means by which microorganisms are carried about and transported to the next host
Means a condition of being soiled, stained, touched by, or otherwise exposed to harmful agents
The vehicle has an inanimate(nonliving) object
Is an organism in which another organism is nourished and harbored
What are a few factors that affect immunologic defense mechanism?
Chemo, disease process, environment, fatigue, lifestyle, radiation, stress, trauma etc
What are the normal defense mechanisms against infection?
Skin, mouthfeels, respiratory tract, urinary tract, gastrointestinal tract, vagina
What can a nurse do by knowing the chain of infection
Intervene and prevent infection from happening
Disease causing power
Superficial wound infection
An infection that affects the entire body instead of just a single organ or part & has the potential to be fatal
The body response to injury or infection at the cellular level
Wha does inflammation do
Delivers fluid, blood products, and nutrients to interstitial tissues in the area of an injury
Increased white blood cell count
Generalized discomfort
Health care-associated infection(HAI) (used to be nosocomial)
Infections patients get while undergoing treatment in a healthcare facility
Central Line-associated Bloodstream Infections
Catheter associated urinary tract infections
Surgical site infections
Ventilator associated infections
(exceedingly pathogenic) which makes them more likely places for infection
What makes people more susceptible to pathogens?
Weakened immune system from diseases, invasive procedures
(growing outside the body) infection is caused by microorganisms from another person
(growing within the body) is caused by patients own microorganisms
Infection control nurse
Advise hospital personnel on the development and implementation of safe patient care and monitoring infection in health care agencies
Centers for Disease Control an Prevention (CDC)
Provides facilities and services for investigation, prevention, and control of disease
Standard precautions
Guidelines from the CDC to reduce risk of blood borne pathogens and and pathogens from moist body substances ( microorganisms from both recognized and unrecognized)
What does hand hygiene do?
Most important and basic preventive technique that healthcare workers can use to interrupt the infection process
How many tiers of precaution
2 first tier is standard precaution second tier is transmission precaution
Transmission precaution
Airborne, droplet, contact
Antiseptic is also known as what
Bacteriostatic (bacterio means microorganisms, static means referring to that which can't move or grow)
Removal of foreign materials, such as soils & organic material, from an object
Is used to destroy microorganisms
Refers to the methods used to kill all microorganisms, including spores
What are the two types of sterilization
Physical which uses heat or radiation, chemical which uses chemicals
Includes care of not only the skin but also the hair, hands, feet, eyes, ears, nose, mouth, back and perineum
Personal hygiene
Self care measures people use to maintain health and prevent disease
Disease producing microorganisms
Head of bed raised 45-90 degrees
High fowler
Semi sitting up to full upright position
Semi fowlers or low fowlers
Head of bed raised to 30 degrees
Entire bed tilted downward toward head of bed
Reverse trendelenburgs
Entire bed tilted down towards foot of bed
Normal movement that any given joint is capable of making
Hot water bath
Helps relieve muscle soreness and muscle spasms
Sitz bath
Cleanses and aids in reducing inflammation of the peri area or anal areas areas of patients who have had rectal/ vaginal surgery or given child birth
Corner oof eyes
The underarm area or armpit
The depressed point in the middle of the abdomen
Prone position
Laying face down
Sims position
Side laying position
Laying face up
Condition characterized by an elevated body temp
Intact skin
Is the first line of defense against infection by invasion of pathogenic organisms
Elastic and firm
Pressure injury
Localized damage to the skin and or underlying soft tissue usually over bony prominence or related to medical or there device
Pressure injury stage 1
Is localized area of skin, typically over boney promin, that is intact with nonblanchable redness
Stage 2 pressure injury
Involves partial- thickness loss of dermis, it appears as shallow open injury
Stage 3 pressure injury
Involves full thickness tissue loss, in which subcutaneous fat is sometimes visible, but bone, tendon, and muscle are no exposed
Stage 4 pressure injury
Involves full tissue loss with exposed bone, tendon, cartilage or muscle
Unstageable pressure injury
Involves full thickness tissue loss, a wound base covered by slough ( yellow, tan, gray, green or brown) or black
Suspected deep tissue pressure injury
The wound appears as localized purple or maroon area of discolored intact skin or a blood-filled blister
Increased blood flow to the area of the body being treated
Narrowing of the blood vessels
Oral hygiene
Care of the oral cavity helps maintain a healthy state of mouth, teeth, gums and lips
A set of artificial teeth not permanently fix or implanted
Anticoagulant therapy
Medications that increase the tendency to bleed
Labia majora
Large fold or lips
Labia minora
Small folds or lips
Circular area around the eye
Ear wax
Eliminating feces
Sentinel event
An unexpected occurrence involving death or serious physical or psychological injury or the risk thereof
Safety reminder device (SRD)
Any part of the numerous devices used to immobilize a patient or part of the patients body such as arms or hands
Leaving the healthcare facility without permission or necessary supervision
Hazard Communication Act - Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)
Federal organization that provides guidelines to help reduce safety hazards in the workplace