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Gross Anatomy of the CVS

In English

Created by:
Lapras Fan

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What is the border where the superior and inferior mediastinum are divided

Sternal angle anteriorly and T4/T5 posteiorly

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20 questions
What are the contents of the superior mediastinum
Great vessels → Arches of the aorta like brachiocephalic artery and superior vena cava Trachea Oesophagus Thymus
What are the contents of the inferior posterior mediastinum
Oesophagus Descending thoracic aorta Sympathetic trunk
What are the different arches of aorta
Brachiocephalic trunk → supplying the right side of the head and neck and the right upper limb Left Common Carotid Artery → to the left side of the head and neck Left Subclavian artery → to the left upper limb
What part of the heart does the left ventricle form
Apex of the heart and diaphragmatic border
What are the different layers of the Serous Pericardium
Parietal , Pericardial cavity and visceral layer ( epicardium )
What is the function of the fibrous skeleton
Fibrous Tissue prevents free conduction of electrical signal from atria to ventricle Support of the valves as well
What does the left circumflex coronary artery supply
Supplies the left atrium and ventricle
What does the anterior intraventricular artery supply
Right and left ventricles and 2/3 of the anterior septum