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What are the classification of Periodontal diseases

Gingival lesions Periodontal lesions Diagnosis, Prognosis and Treatment plan

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79 questions
What are the classification of Periodontal diseases
Gingival lesions Periodontal lesions Diagnosis, Prognosis and Treatment plan
2 soft tissues of periodontium
Periodontal ligament and supporting gingiva
Located between adjacent teeth
Interdental papillae
The shape of interdental papilla depends on:
The presence or absence of a contact point between the adjacent teeth, the distance between the contact point & the osseous crest Presence or absence of some degree of recession.
Gingival Pocket-
Periodontal disease
Components of sulcular fluid
1. Cellular elements 2. Electrolytes 3.Organic compounds 4.Metabolic & bacterial products 5.Enzymes
Functions of Gingival (Crevicular) Fluid
■ Its flow washes out irritants & prevent bacterial penetration. ■ Its plasma proteins improve epithelial adhesion to the teeth. ■ Has antibacterial effect upon many oral microorganisms. ■ Has defense mechanism by its immunoglobulin contents. ■ Essential growth factor for many microorganisms
Non keratinocytes:
Melanocytes Langerhans cells Merkel cells
Keratinized stratified squamous epithelium arranged in 4 layers:
Stratum basale, Basal cell layer (The deepest) Stratum Spinosum, prickle cell laye Stratum granulosum, granular cell layer Stratum corneum, Keratinized cell layer
Lamina propria consist of:
■mainly Collagen fibers (60%) ■ Cells mainly fibroblasts(5%) ■Intercellular ground substance ■Blood vessels, lymphatic, Nerves
Primary gingival fibers:
Circular fibers: Dentogingival fibers: Alveologingival fibers: Dentoperiosteal fibers: Transseptal fibers:
Secondary Gingival Fibers
Semicircular fibers (SCF): from mesial surface of a tooth to distal surface of same tooth in a half circle Transgingival fibers (TGF): these fibers traversing from CEJ to free gingiva of adjacent tooth Intergingival fibers (IGF): extend along facial and lingual marginal gingiva from tooth to tooth.
Nerve supply of the gingiva
Maxillary and mandibular branches of trigeminal nerve.
The most important elements of PDL are the
Principal fibers type I collagen
Immune system cells:
Neutrophils,lymphocytes, macrophages, mast cells & cosinophils.
Functions of PDL
1. Provision of a soft-tissue "casing" to protect the vessels & nerves from injury by mechanical forces 2. Transmission of occlusal forces to the bone 3. Attachment of the teeth to the bone 4. Maintenance of the gingival tissues in their proper relationship to the teeth 5. Resistance to the impact of occlusal forces (shock absorption
Functions of cementum
Provide anchorage, maintaining occlusal relationships
Stratum cornea retains
Pyknotic nuclei
Formative cells
Fibroblast osteoblasts cementoblasts
Resorptive cells
Fibroblasts osteoclasts cementoclasts
Epithelial cells
Remnants of hertwig epithelial root sheath
Immune system cells
Neutrophils, lymphocytes, macrophages, mast cells, eosinophils
Elastin fibers :
Oxytalan and elaunin
The third molars drain to the:
Jugulodigastric lymph nodes