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Poland history

In English


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How did Poland become a communist goverenment?

Rigged elections, oppostion arrested and murdered

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40 questions
How did Poland become a communist goverenment?
Rigged elections, oppostion arrested and murdered
What happens in Feburary 1981?
General Jaruzelksi tkaes control of Polish goverment
When was the Martial law and what happened?
December 1981, Walesa and 10,000 others impriosoned
What happens in 1989 in Poland?
Free elections and Solidarity wins 99/100 seats.
What was the problem in Poland?
95% of people are catholic but soviet ideology rejects religion
What was a problem in Poland?
Largest country in Eeastern block, growing population increasse by 10 million from 1953 to 1979
What was a problem in Poland?
Cost of living too high, no incentives to increase productivty, USSR had to give Poland $3 billion a year.
Who was Waladyslaw Gomulka?
Communist leader from 1955-70. Supported presecution of the Catholic Churched, intellectulas and the anti-communist opposition
Who was Edward Gierek?
Communist leader of Poland 1970-80 . Replaced Goumlka. Removed ater labour strikes but opened Poland to the west.
Who was Jerzy Popieluszko ?
Polish catholic preist associated with Solidarity. Murdered in 1984 of Polish secret police.
Who was Lech Walsea?
Leader of Solidarity movemtn, pro-democratic. helped to end communism in Poland and ushered the end of the cold war.
Who was Jaruzelski?
Polish military de facto leader from 1981-1989
What was solidarity?
Free trade union, repersented workers but not part of the exisiting communist workers group
Why was it formed?
21 demans, including right to strike and end the censority of the Cahtolic church and free elections.
What was solidarity careful with?
Making sure it was non-violent, leadership made sure of it.
Why were workers important in Solidarity ?
Most of them were heavy industires important to Polish and Eastern Bloc economies.
What happened when teh Martial law was introduced and who introduced it?
Jaruzelski. 10,000 peopple imprisoined including Walesa.
How did solidarity succeed?
Economic problems in Poland meant that solidarity maintaied support for change
How did solidarity succeed?
Influence by Catholic church, most Poles saw solidarity as relisigously sactioned organisation
How did solidarity succeed?
Regan and Thatcher were supportive of Solidarity, kept the profile of Walsea high in Western Media.
How did solidarity succeed?
USSR busy with the war in Afganistan
How did solidarity succeed?
Andropove, Chernekove died. Led to Gorbachov.
Significance of Solidarity for Soviet influcence in Eastern Europe?
Popularity shows that Communism was failing to provide a reasonal standard of lviing
Significance of Solidarity for Soviet influcence in Eastern Europe?
Shows the ineffective leadership and system . Corruption and difference between the leader and people
Significance of Solidarity for Soviet influcence in Eastern Europe?
Shows that it is possible to stand up against communist Regime. Inspireed people to protest. 'People power'
Significance of Solidarity for Soviet influcence in Eastern Europe?
Shows that the Soviet system relied on miliatary forces to maintain order
Significance of Solidarity for Soviet influcence in Eastern Europe?
Encouraged the west to increase pressure on the Soviets.