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level: Statistical infrequency

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level questions: Statistical infrequency

What is statistical infrequency ?One way of deciding whether behaviour is deviant is to consider how infrequent it is. Behaviour is seen as normal if it occurs frequently (mathematically), but if it occurs relativley rearley in the population is abnormal.
What does statistical infrequency assume?That all abnormal behaviour are rare, any behaviour that does not happen frequently in the general popoulation is considered statistically rare. Its a mathematical approach, in attempts to quantify abnormality.
Example of statistical infrequency?People deviate from the average IQ score of 100. People who are 2 standard deviations below the average intelligence would be considered statistically infreqeunt. But this would also work for above the average intelligence.
What is a strength of statistical infrequency ?The definition of abnormality isn't up to a subjective interpretation of what is considered abnormal or not. Reduces the likelihood of misinterpretating information, which can happen due subjective definitions. But it doens't take into account cultural differences but can be said that many stereotypical traits can be seen globally: gender roles
A strength of statistical infrequency?Can be used to see normal/expected development in children. Intervention can be used if needed to make sure that the child is developing on the path that is expected and allow them to have a normal development. Doctors and parents can know that thier child needs and put them in a program if needed. Support children for an expected development
A strength of statistical infrequency?Uses data from standardised and established tests, like IQ. Information is being collected from a reliable source and is the same for everyone High internal validity, refined data, makes statistical infrequency more trustworthy and reliable when using.
A weakness of statistical infrequency?Some rare behaviour is desirable. For example a high IQ score of 130, or musically gifted people are infrequent but still desirable. Limitation of the definition because it assumes that any behaviour is abnormal and its not always the case The defintion need to identify those behaviours which are both infrequent and undesirable to avoid this pitfall.