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level: Characteristics of depression

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level questions: Characteristics of depression

Name 3 emotional characteristics of depression?Lowered mood, anger, lowered self-esteem
What is lowered mood?Feel sad, more pronounced than daily experience, more 'worthless' and 'empty'
What is anger?Experience more negative emotions than positive ones. Directed at others or self, can ldead to self-harming and aggressive behaviours
What is lowered self-esteem?How much we like ourselves is reduced, can be extreme sense of self-loathing
Name 3 behavioural characterisitcs of depression?Activity levels, disruption to sleep and eating behaviours, aggression and self-harm.
What is activity levels?Reduced levels of energy, making from lethargic from work, education, social life. Sometimes can't get out of bed. Or oppostive with psychomotor agitiation, struggle to relax
What is disruption to sleep and eating behaviours?Changes in sleeping habits, reduced or increased sleep. Reduced or increased appetitie.
What is aggression and self-harm?Often irritable, verbally or physically aggressive. Knock-on effect, can lead to physical aggression against the self.
Name 3 cognitive characteristics of depression?Poor concentration, attending to and dwelling on the negative, absolutist thinking
What is poor concentration?Unable to stick with a task they can usualy do, hard to make decisions that would normally stright foward. Interfere with individual's work
What is attending to and dwelling on the negative?Inclined to pay more attention to the negative aspects of a situation and ignore the positives. Bias towards recalling unhappy events
What is absolutist thinking?Tend to think in terms of a situation being all good or all bad. Tends to see things as an absolute disaster.