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1583 questions
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愛 | Love |
Love | 愛 |
愛情 | Love, affection |
合図 | Sign, signal |
愛する | To love |
To love | 愛する |
相手 | Companion, partner, company |
明かり | Lamplight, light, brightness |
空き | Room, time to spare, emptiness |
明らか | Obvious, evident, clear |
諦める | To give up, to abandon |
飽きる | To get tired of, to lose interest in |
握手 | Handshake |
悪魔 | Devil, demon, evil spirit |
明ける | To dawn, to become daylight |
預ける | To entrust, to deposit |
汗 | Sweat, perspiration |
与える | To give, to present |
Warm, mild | 暖かい |
暖かい | Warm, mild |
辺り | Vicinity, nearby |
当たる | To be hit, to be successful |
扱う | To handle, to deal with, to treat |
集まり | Gathering, meeting, assembly |
当てる | To hit, to apply a patch |
跡 | Mark, sign, remains, scar |
Hole | 穴 |
穴 | Hole |
浴びる | To bathe, to shower |
Oil | 油 |
油 | Oil |
余り | Not very, not much |
Error | 誤り |
誤り | Error |
粗い | Coarse |
Coarse | 粗い |
嵐 | Storm, tempest |
新た | New, fresh, novel |
表す | To express, to show, to reveal |
現す | To show, to indicate, to display |
現れ | Embodiment, materialization |
現れる | To appear, to express oneself |
有る | To be, to have |
或 | A certain |
泡 | Bubble, foam |
合わせる | To join together, to face, to unite |
哀れ | Helpless, pity |
案 | Plan |
Plan | 案 |
暗記 | Memorization, learning by heart |
安定 | Stability, equilibrium |
案内 | Information, guidance, to guide |
胃 | Stomach |
委員 | Committee member |
いえ | No |
No | いえ |
意外 | Unexpected, surprising |
息 | Breath, tone |
行き | Going, |
Going, | 行き |