Pelvis and Perineum
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100 questions
🇬🇧 | 🇬🇧 |
3 | ASIS |
4 | Coccygeus |
13 | Inguinal ligament |
6 | External iliac artery |
7 | Femoral artery |
8 | Femoral nerve |
9 | Femoral vein |
10 | Gracilis |
11 | Iliacus |
19 | Psoas major |
12 | Inferior epigastric artery |
14 | Lumbosacral trunk |
15 | Obturator internus |
16 | Obturator nerve |
18 | Piriformis |
3 | ASIS |
21 | Sacral plexus |
23 | Tendinous arch |
24 | TFL |
25 | Vastus lateralis |
2 | Bladder |
25 | Ureter |
21 | Round ligament of uterus |
12 | Internal iliac artery |
What division is number 13? | Anterior |
What division is number 14? | Posterior |
24 | Umbilical artery |
8 | Iliolumbar artery |
16 | Superior lateral sacral artery |
15 | Inferior lateral sacral artery |
22 | Superior gluteal artery |
9 | Inferior gluteal artery |
17 | Middle rectal artery |
26 | Uterine artery |
10 | Inferior vesical artery |
11 | Internal pudenal artery |
27 | Vaginal artery |
18 | Obturator artery |
23 | Superior vesical artery |
20 | Obturator veins |
19 | Obturator nerve |
3 | External iliac artery |
4 | External iliac lymph nodes |
5 | External iliac vein |
1 | AIIS |
2 | ASIS |
6 | Inguinal ligament |
5 | Iliac fossa |
13 | Pectineal ligament |
15 | Scaral promontory |
4 | Greater sciatic foramen |
10 (besides 17 pero natakip) | Lesser sciatic foramen |
16 | Sacrospinous ligament |
17 | Sacrotuberous ligament |
3 | Falciform process of sacrotuberous ligament |
11 | Obturator foramen |
12 | Obturator membrane |
8 | Ischial tuberosity |
14 | Pubic symphysis |
3 | ASIS |
12 | Inguinal ligament |
14 | Lacunar ligament |
6 | Coccyx |
21 | Rectum |
19 | Pubic symphysis |
13 | Ischial spine |
24 | Tendinous arch |
15 | Obturator internus |
11 | Iliococcygeus |
20 | Pubococcygeus |
5 | Coccygeus |
6 | Corpus cavernosum |
4 | Coccyx |
25 | Tunica albuginea |
24 | Testis |
11 | Prostate |
12 | Prostatic urethra |
19 | Seminal colliculus |
3 | Bladder |
28 | Spongy urethra |
14 | Pubic symphysis |
6 | Clitoris |
7 | Crus of clitoris |
33 | Vagina |
10 | Fundus of uterus |
25 | Round ligament of uterus |
36 | Vestibule of vagina |
29 | Trigone of bladder |
2 | Bladder neck |
1 | Anterior vaginal fornix |
18 | Posterior vaginal fornix |
3 | Cervix |
4 | External os of cervix |
5 | Internal os of cervix |
32 | Uterine cavity |
31 | Ureter |
12 | Labium minus |
19 | Pubic symphysis |
21 | Rectouterine peritoneal space |
22 | Rectum |