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level: Level 1

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Level 1

geologythe study of earth
earth's layers1. crust 2. mantle 3. core
what are rockssolid substances made out of grains of minerals
the type of rock depends on....the size and type of the mineral
what minerals is granite made offeldspar, quartz, mica
what are the characteristics of minerals1. naturally occuring 2. inorganic 3. specific chemical compositions 4. solid
minerals can be categorized based on their...luster, hardness, streak, colour
what is soilrock and mineral pieces mixed together includes organic material called humus
different types of soil depend onthe spaces between particles, the nutrients provided
types of soilsandy, clay, slit, peat
types of rocksigneous rocks, metamorphic rocks, sedimentary rocks
what are igneous rocks made of and how are they formedthey are made of magma, When magma cools it becomes Igneous rock.
what is the difference between intrusive and extrusive igneous rocksExtrusive rocks are formed on the surface of the Earth from lava, which is magma that has emerged from underground. Intrusive rocks are formed from magma that cools and solidifies within the crust of the planet, they don’t reach the surface. .
give an example of an intrusive igneousgranite
give an example of an extrusive igneousobsidian
what is Metamorphismprocess of changing form
what affects the type of igneous rocksThe time it takes the magma to cool, and the location of the cooling
what are the types of sedimentary rocksclastic, organic, chamical
what changes does a rock need to change into a metamorphic rockchanges of heat and pressure to change into another form.
give an example of a metamorphic rock (before and after)shale-> slate, limestone -> marble, igneous -> gneiss
exogenous factorsweathering, erosion, deposition
what are the types of weatheringchemical, physical, biotc
example on chemical weatheringacid rain, rain in general
example on physical weatheringfreeze-thaw
example on biotic weatheringplants growing from rocks which breaks them
what is erosionthe process which rocks are transported by natural forces such as wind or water.
give ways of erosionGravity, Water, Wind.
what is diffusionmovement of atoms from high concentration to low concentration
what molecules are in H2O2 hydrogen, one oxygen
concentration?amount of substamce n a specific area
in order for diffusion to happen there needs ro beconcentration gradient permeability
types of permeabilitypermeable impermeable semi-permeable
particles always seek--equilibrium
solutionmixture of solvent and solute
types of solutionshypertonic: solute<solvent hypotonic: solvent<solute isotonic: solute=solvent
concentration gradientdifference in concentration
osomisisdiffusion of water molecules across the membrane
dilutehas more or less of a solute
plant cells have ...cell walls
if a plant cell loses too much water it becomesplasmolysed
if a plant cell gains too much water it becomesturgid
factors that affect diffusiontemp. concentration molecule size surface area
atom?the smallest indivisible unit of matter
indivisible?cannot be broken down any further
element?a group of identical atoms
moleculea group of atoms chemically joined together, can be the same or different
compoundsgroup of DIFFERENT atoms joined together
what did thomson discover and what was his model's name?.he discovered electrons, his model was called the plum pudding
what did ruthford discoverprotons are centered in the nucleas
what did bohr discoverthe electrons orbit the nucleus that has the protons
what did chadwick discoverchadwick discovered neutrons (no charge) and that they are centered in the nucleus with the protons
parts of the atom?protons+nutrons in nucleus electrons orbiting
relative mass of protons?1
relative mass of electrons?1
relative mass of neutrons?0.0005
how many groups are i n the periodic table?eight
how are periods arranged in the periodic table?arranged by the atomic number ,which increases by 1 from left to right
how do you find the amount of nutrons?atomic number-atomic mass= number of neutrons
what is a mixturea mixture of elements/compouds not chemically joined together
what does the prefix mono mean?1
what does the prefix di mean?2
what does the prefix tri mean?3
name the compound of metals and non-metals, magnesium+sulfur? beryllium+florine?magnesium sulfide, beryllium floride
name the compound of oxygen, carbon+1atom of oxygencarbon monoxide
name the compound of hydrogen and oxygen, sodium+hydrogen+oxygen? potassium+hydrogen+oxygen?sodium hydroxide potassium hydroxide
does the size of the atom decrease or increase as we go down a group in the periodic table?increase
what is chromatographya method of separating mixtures and analyising them
what are the methods of separating mixutes?chromatography sieving evaporation/condensation
what are physical changes?changes in state
what are chemical changeswhen a new substance is formed or burning
what is cellular respirationbreaking down glucose to get energy with the help of oxygen, to take the energy and release CO2 and water
what numbers on the ph scale show acidity0-6.9
what numbers on the ph scale show neutral7
what numbers on the ph scale show base7.1-14
whenever you mix an acid and a base you getH2O +NaCl
adding an acid and a base is called the process ofneutralization
what are the indicators of a reactionfizzing bubbles change in colour smell heat
indicators to test acids and baseslitmus paper universal indicator ph meter