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level: 17.02.2025

Questions and Answers List

level questions: 17.02.2025

Bu kitabı birçok kez okudumI have read this book many times
Kırmızı başörtüsü takan kadın benim annemThe woman who is wearing red headscarfe is my mother
Masanın üzerinde kırmızı kapaklı bir kitap varThere is a book on the table which has a red cover
Kitap okunur.The book is read.
Yemek yenir.The food is eaten.
Su içilir.Water is drunk.
Şarkı söylenir.The song is sung.
Araba sürülür.The car is driven.
Mektup yazılır.The letter is written.
Kapı açılır.The door is opened.
Pencere kapatılır.The window is closed.
Oda temizlenir.The room is cleaned.
Ev boyanır.The house is painted.
Elma soyulur.The apple is peeled.
Pasta yapılır.The cake is made.
Çiçekler sulanır.The flowers are watered.
Şarkı şu anda söyleniyor.The song is being sung right now.
Kitap şu anda okunuyor.The book is being read right now.
Araba şu anda sürülüyor.The car is being driven right now.
Mektup şu anda yazılıyor.The letter is being written right now.
Kapı şu anda açılıyor.The door is being opened right now.
Pencere şu anda kapatılıyor.The window is being closed right now.
Oda şu anda temizleniyor.The room is being cleaned right now.
Ev şu anda boyanıyor.The house is being painted right now.
Kitap okunabilir.The book can be read.
Proje tamamlanmalıdır.The project must be completed.
Yemek pişirilebilir.The food can be cooked.
Çiçekler sulanabilir.The flowers can be watered.
Kapı açılmalıdır.The door should be opened.
Sınav sonuçları açıklandı.The exam results were announced.
Araba tamir edildi.The car was repaired.
Tatil planları yapıldı.The vacation plans were made.
Duyuru okulda yapıldı.The announcement was made at the school.