Admin Notes Flash Cards
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Admin Notes Flash Cards - Details
85 questions
🇬🇧 | 🇬🇧 |
HCP | Host Cancellation Program |
SD | Security Deposit |
HPI | Host Protection Insurance |
HG | Host Guarantee |
T | Ticket |
HT | Host Ticket |
GT | Guest Ticket |
TT | Ticket Topic |
L | Listing |
RESO | Reservation |
RC | Resolution center |
WF | Workflow |
WT | Warm Transfer |
HIW | How it works |
MT | Message thread |
DOB | Date of birth |
ATO | Account Take Over |
TOS | Terms of Service |
EMEA | Europe, Middle East and Africa |
NA | North America |
APAC | Asia Pacific |
H | Host |
G | Guest |
POC | Point of contact |
WG | White Glove |
OM | Operation Manager |
TC | Team Coordinator |
PM | Property Manager |
SH | Superhost |
EG | Extra Guest |
BTM | Business Travel Manager |
CE | Community Education |
R1 | Resolution 1 |
R2 | Resolution 2 |
SM | Social Media |
PX | Payments |
EXP | Experience |
RR | Regulatory Response |
TnS | TnS - Trust and Safety |
A4W | Airbnb for Work |
MQ | Market Quality |
IBC | In Bound (Phone) Call |
OBC | Out Bound (Phone) Call |
IBM | In Bound Message |
OBM | Out Bound Message |
IBE | In Bound Email |
OBE | Out Bound Email |
GCI | Guest Called In |
HCI | Host Called In |
CBA | Cancelled By Admin |
CBH | Cancelled By Host |
CBG | Cancelled By Guest |
CBI | Cancelled By Identity |
LTR | Long Time Reservation |
IB | Instant Book |
CP | Cancellation Policy |
CF | Cleaning Fee |
3rdPB | 3rd Party Booking |
GRP | Guest refund policy |
RTB | Request To Book |
GSF | GSF Guest service fee |
NNS | Nights Not Spent |
HNR | Host not responding |
GNR | Guest not responding |
AG | Additional Guest |
EC | Extenuating Circumstance |
HPI | Host Protection Insurance |
HG | Host Guarantee |
HCP | Host Cancellation Program |
SD | Security Deposit |
FIQ | Fake Inventory Queue |
Listing that the host has completed the steps to activate and is publicly visible on | Active listing |
When a listing's calendar dates are blocked off by the system or by a Support Ambassador, preventing the host from booking them | Blocked calendar |
Actions taken on a host's account in the event that they cancel a reservation or a Support Ambassador cancels on their behalf | Cancellation penalties |
DL | Defined loss |
TH | Transaction history |
MPL | Manual Payment Link |
CC | Credit Card |
OT | Occupancy Tax |
TOT | Transient occupancy tax |
VAT | Value Added Tax |