A+P Connective Tissue
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A+P Connective Tissue - Leaderboard
A+P Connective Tissue - Details
41 questions
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Reticular Tissue | -slender branching web + reticular cells -spleen + lymph nodes -filter, then phagocytosis |
Adipose CT | -Richly vascularized -many cells, little matrix -Fetus-brown adipose tissue+more mitochondria |
Areolar CT | -Loose fibrous ct- fibroblasts+macrophages -stretchable -absorbs fluid during inflammation, causing edema |
CT types (5) | Loose fibrous, dense fibrous, blood, bone, cartilage |
Elastic Fibers | "yellow fibers" -Elastin+fibrillin -stretch 150% of length -external ear, skin, lungs, BV |
Reticular Fibres | -Delicate fine net of Reticulin -nerves, filters, capillaries |
Collagen Fibres | -Strongest, pliable, resists pulling -most common |
Hyaluronidase | Breaks down hyaluronic acid, makes CT liquidy -used by pathogens, sperm, and WBC |
Hyaluronic Acid | -in ground substance -slippery polysaccharide -joints, eyeballs |
Dermatan Sulphate | -CT of BV, heart valves, skin, tendons |
Macrophages | -dev. from monocytes (WBC) -Phagocytic -irregular shape, short branches |
Endoderm | Becomes epithelial cells |
Mesoderm | Becomes epithelial, muscle, connective tissue cells |
Ectoderm | Becomes epithelial, nervous tissue cells |
Fibronectin | Main cell adhesion protein of CT |
CT structures (3) | Matrix, fibres, cells |
Mature cyte functions | Maintenance, decreased ability to divide |
Fibroblasts | Loose Fibrous CT + dense fibrous CT -branched, large, flat -migrate and secrete |
Plasma Cells | Dev. from B-lymphocte -antibody production to blood+tissues -Ab=specialized protein- binds to foreign cells |
Mast Cells | BV in CT -Migrate to tissue+release histamine-dilates sm BV ^ local blood supply -inflammation and healing |
Adipocytes | -fat cells, store triglycerides -below dermis + around organs -fat contained in vacuole |
Glucosaminoglycans (GAG) | Polysaccharide associated with proteoglycans |
Proteoglycans | Proteins that bind h2o to change tissue consistency |
Keratan Sulphate | Bone, cartilage, CT of cornea |
Chondroitin Sulphate | Support+adhesion cartilage, bone, skin, BV |
Ground substance | Interstitial fluid, cell adhesion proteins, proteoglycans |
CT matrix | -ground substance + fibres |
Dense Regular Fibrous CT | -Fibres dominant + thicker -fibroblasts produce ground substance + fibres -closely packed collagen fibres, creates white flexible structure -tendons, aponeuroses, ligaments |
Dense Irregular fibrous CT | -thicker collagen fibres arranged to resist in more than one direction -dermis, pericardium, heart valves, perichondrium, periosteum |
Elastic CT | -Elastic Fibres -yellowish -fibroblasts dominant -lung tissues, arteries, ligaments |
Cartilage | -Chondrocyte -avascular, non-innervated- slow to heal -flexible + tough due to collagen+elastic fibres chondroblasts make new matrix until skeleton complete -chondroblasts grouped in Lacunae (sm cavities) |
Hyaline Cartilage | -clear/blue-white -most abundant, weakest -chondrocytes 1-10% of tissue volume -trachea, bronchi, ends of long bones, EPIPHYSEAL PLATES |
Elastic cartilage: | -elastin fibres -repeated bending w/o breaking -external ear and epiglottis |
Fibrocartilage | -Strongest, most durable cartilage -chondrocytes & collagen fibres -intervertebral disks, menisci of knee joint, tendons |
Cartilage Growth-Interstitial | - # of chondroblasts increases, matrix increases - matrix pushes chondroblasts apart, expansion -childhood & adolescence |
Cartilage Growth-Appositional | -perichondrium cells cause growth of cartilage -new cartilage is at the outer edges of the original cartilage (deposits apically) -later in life and continuous through adolescence |
BONE | -composed of collagen (organic component) + mineral salts (inorganic component) -Bone salt = 65% of matrix -support, movement, mineral reservoir -highly vascularized |
Osteoblasts | Bone-forming cells |
Osteoclasts | Bone-resorbing cells |
BLOOD | LIQUID tissue that contains NO ground substance and NO fibres -plasma, RBC, WBC, platelets |
Haematopoiesis | Blood-forming activity |