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Anatomy 604

In English

Created by:
Cynthia Tellez

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Basisphenoid bone and Presphenoid bone

What two bones make up the sphenoid complex?

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220 questions
Basisphenoid bone and Presphenoid bone
What two bones make up the sphenoid complex?
Mandibular symphysis
In some species, the mandible is an unpaired bone because it is fused at this location:
Occipital bone, temporal bone, parietal bone, and frontal bone
What are the four cranial PAIRED cranial bones?
Vomer bone
Name the unpaired facial bone of the skull
Incisive bone
Name bone #1
Nasal bone
Name bone #2
Maxillary bone
Name bone #3
Lacrimal bone
Name bone #5
Frontal bone
Name bone #6
Parietal bone
Name bone #7
Occipital bone
Name bone #8
Temporal bone
Name bone #9
Sphenoid complex
Name bone #10
Name bone #11
Palatine bone
Name bone #12
From rostral to caudal: Squamous part, tympanic bulla, and petrous part
Name the three parts that make up the temporal bone.
Nuchal crest
What is the name given to the most dorsal edge of the occipital bone?
Ethmoid foramen, optic canal, orbital foramen, rostral alar foramen, round foramen, caudal alar foramen
The pterygopalatine fossa contains 6 foramen, name them from rostral to caudal.
Round foramen
Which foramina communicates to the alar canal from inside of the skull?
Oval foramen
Which foramen is caudal to the alar canal?
Fossa for the lacrimal sac
Name the foramina at the most rostral aspect of the pterygopalatine fossa.
Infraorbital foramen and maxillary foramen
Name the two foramen that demarcates the infraorbital canal.
True or False: the hypoglossal canal, jugular foramen, foramen lacerum, and oval notch communicate with one another in the horse skull.
Foramen orbitorotundum
In the bovine, the orbital foramen and round foramen fuse to form the:
Infraorbital nerve
Which nerve passes through the maxillary foramen?
Optic nerve
Which nerve passes through the optic canal?
Oculomotor nerve, trochlear nerve, ophthalmic nerve, abducent nerve
Name the four nerves that pass through the orbital fissure/foramen.
Maxillary nerve and maxillary artery
Name the artery and the nerve that pass through the rostral alar foramen.
Mandibular nerve
Name the nerve that passes through the oval foramen.
Facial nerve (cranial nerve VII)
Name the nerve that passes through stylomastoid foramen.
Hypsoglossal nerve
Which nerve passes through the hypsoglossal canal?
Mental nerve
Which nerve passes through the mental foramen?
Mandibular canal
The mental foramina and mandibular fossa form which canal?
4- two one each side
How many mental foramina do dogs have?
Condylar processes of the mandible
Which process on the mandible articulates with the mandibular fossa?
Tympanohyoid cartilage
Name structure #1 of the hyoid apparatus.
Stylohyoid bone
Name bone #2 of the hyoid apparatus.
Name bone #3 of the hyoid apparatus.
Ceratohyoid bone
Name bone #4 of the hyoid apparatus.
Basihyoid bone
Name the unpaired bone of the hyoid apparatus.
Thyrohyoid bone
Which bone of the hyoid apparatus is directed caudally in all species?
The lingual process of the basihyoid bone
The hyoid process of the large animals has an additional process coming off of the basihyoid bone. What is this process called?
The nasal cavity
The vomer bone is located inside of which cavity?
The orbital ligament
Carnivores do not have complete eye socket. What structure completes the orbital margin?
Temporomandibular joint
The mandible articulates with the temporal bone of the skull at which site?
The crown of the brachydont tooth is covered by what?
The root of the brachydont tooth is covered by what?
Which type of tooth, brachydont or hypsodont, has a neck?
What part of the tooth makes up a majority of the brachydont tooth and surrounds the pulp cavity?
What covers the entire hypsodont tooth?
The gap between incisors and cheek teeth is known as the..
Labial and buccal
The vestibular surface of the tooth can be known as ___ for front teeth, and ____ for cheek teeth.
Lingual and palatine
The inner surface of the teeth can be either ____ for bottom teeth, and ____ for top teeth.
The pig
Which domestic animal is the only mammal with a complete dental compliment?
True or False: molar teeth are present in the deciduous dental formula.
Upper P4 and Lower M1
Which two teeth in the canine mouth are carnassial teeth?
Which group of animals is missing the first premolar?
Brachydont, hypsodont
The incisor and canine teeth of the cow are _____ while the cheek teeth are _____.
1.5-2 years
At what age would you expect to see I1 in the ruminant?
2-2.5 years
At what age would you expect to see I2 in the ruminant?
3-3.5 years
At what age would you expect to see I3 in the ruminant?
Between 3.5 and 4 years old
A young ruminant has incisors 1,2,3, and erupted incisor 4. How would you age this cow?
9 years
The incisors in a ruminant mouth should be level and worn by what age?
A wolf tooth
The presence of P1 in the horse is known as..
A cap
The remnant of a deciduous tooth blocking the way of a permanent one is known as...?
All of the permanent teeth of a horse are (brachydont or hypsodont)
6 days
The first deciduous tooth in a horse erupts by what age?
6 weeks
The second deciduous tooth erupts in a foal by what age?
6 months
The third deciduous incisors are present in the foal at what age?
2.5 years old
Permanent I1 in the foal erupts at what age?
Approx. 6 months
From the point of eruption to full size, how long does it take for a tooth to grow in the horse?
3.5 years old
At what age might you expect a foal to have a permanent incisor 2?
4.5 years of age
At what age might you expect a foal to have incisor 3 present?
5 years old
At this age, all three incisors have erupted, are level, and have cups
15 years old
A horse has Galvayne's groove present to midway down the length of the tooth. How old is this horse?
At least 15 years old
You are looking into a horses mouth and see a dental star. How old is this horse?
Older than 5 years but younger than 14.
The infundibulum of a horse's tooth has regressed to Cup is Gone. There is no evidence of a dental star. How old is this horse?
7 years old
The upper corner incisor of a horse has a hook in it. How old is this horse?
Upper P4
This tooth is a common place for abscess in cats and can cause various health issues.
Tympano-occipital fissure
Name the oblong opening between the occipital bone and tympanic part of the temporal bone.
Glossopharngeal (IX), vagus (X), and accessory nerve (XI)
Which 3 nerves pass from the jugular foramen through the tympano-occipital fissure?
True or False: Large animals do not have a tympano-occipital fissure.
True or False: Large animals do not have a jugular foramen.
Which group of animals does NOT have an interparietal bone?
Os rostrale
The nasal cavity of the pig contains an extra bone called the...
Nasal diverticulum or false nostril
The blind ended dorsal compartment of the nasal cavity in the horse is known as the...
Name the caudal opening of the nasal cavity.
Ethmoid bone
This skull bone contributes to the osseus part of the nasal septum in the canine.
Vomer bone
This unpaired bone in the skull supports the nasal septum ventrally.
Nasal vestibule
When looking at the nostrils externally, the part this is visible is known as the...?
These are scrolls of thin bones projecting from the wall of the nasal cavity and increase turbulance of air flow.
Dorsal nasal meatus
Name #1 in the canine nasal cavity.
Dorsal nasal concha
Name #2 in the canine nasal cavity.
Middle nasal meatus
Name #3 in the canine nasal cavity.
Common nasal meatus
Name #4 in the canine nasal cavity.
Ventral nasal meatus
Name #5 in the canine nasal cavity.