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Ancient world history

In English

Created by:
Kiara C

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it exstended the reach of the mugal empire

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46 questions
It exstended the reach of the mugal empire
It exstended the reach of the mugal empire
They were mostly known for farming on the ycattan and made the farming style of the burn and slash, they came before the aztects and were an advanced civilization who
Mansa Musa
Was the richest man in the world and went on a jorney that lasted a year and brought a lot of foreners to mali to exsperence the riches
Trading post
Was known for many gold resorces,
Compare and contrast Christianity and Islam
The founders were God, Mahamud, Book related to religon was the Bible and the Quatr, Place of worship church, Mosque, Holy city both jeruselum, path to heaven do good in life forgive, someone must pass the day of resuraection to go to the path
What happened when mahamud died
Their was a split betoween people the Shitte and the Sunnies. The umayyad dynasty was made by the Sunnies
How did the muslum preserve anichent knowlange
They gathered the text, traslate it to arabic, enterpret it, chalange it, and share it through cities - in bagdad
How were the Tang and Song dynasty golden ages in china
They both had many achivements and both had many inovative things going on
What did the silk road, trans saharan, and indian ocean basin ideas, items, and what imact it had on other civilizations
Silk road had small items, spread ideas of herbs, astrology and religon, had an imact by having multicuktural cities, and new inventions Trans saharan had ivoery and gold, ideas of islam, spread arabic indian ocean basin had spices, silk, gun powder, jewels, textiles, minerals, glass, wine, gold, and slaves, spread reliogon languages, and cultures
Exsaples of selective borrowing from Japan and Korea
Japan took language and the civial service exam Korea took Kangi or caligraphy
Cultural achivements from the Mayan, Aztects, Incas
Maya practiced the burning and slashing of the enviroment, or that they adjustied to the ycatan river and had to live with it, they also had hydrolic engeneering Aztects had the ball game, hadhuge cities with temples, feice warriors, and a good rulling goverment Inca were multi ehtnic, had no writing, they built cities on the mountins, they freeze dried food, made bridges, and would work on brain surgery
Reasons why africa denyed their own hisotry
They denied it themselfs, they converted to islam and they forgot everything the story tellers slowly vanished and the stories of their history was erased
Where the mayan and aztects used to live, above mexico
Cereal plant that yields large grains set in rows on a cob
They were mostly known for farming on the ycattan and made the farming style of the burn and slash, they came before the aztects and were an advanced civilization who made invented hydrolic engeneering
They were known for their feirce warriors and huge cities, they had a popular ball game where one could not use their hands and not touch the ground
Was a man builkt island of plants liek a hydrolic system that the mayans made
An ancient Inca device for recording information, consisting of variously colored threads knotted in different ways looks like a long neaklace
Made the islam religon
A city that was the birthplace of mahamud and the holiest city of islam
It is known as Allahs residence or house of god
Born male but look and dress in traditionally feminine ways
Islam holy book
Muslum house of worship
Five Pillars
One god, pray 5 times a day, give to the poor, fast, and go to mecca
The pilgrimage to Mecca that every Muslim must make at least once in their lifetime if they are able
Arabic word for stuggling or effort
A muslim leader
A decendant of madamad or umayad founded this and this was rulled by the sunnies
A decendant from mahamud took revenge on the umayyad and killed the remainng decndants, one survived and made the abbasid
A place where scholors would come together
Tax that the muslim paid to their ruller
It was a trading place
Swahili Coast
Used for cultual blending and trading between east afica and the outside world
Was known for its art
It exstended the reach of the mugal empire
Tributary states
A state that is subordinate to another more powerful state
Civil Service examinations
A test that depermis what your cival servie job would be
Genghis Khan
A leared who founded the mongol empire and made one of the largest empires in the world
Kublai Khan
He was the emperior of the yuan dynasty and made popular the dual princible
Pax mongolica
A period of stablility under the mongolian emprie
A bluey green jade color in pottery
Selective borrowing
A culutre borrowing anothers culutre and incorperating it in their daily practices
Yuan & Ming dynasties
Both exported huge amounts of goods on the Silk Road, the network of trade connections that linked China with faraway Europe, and grew rich from the exchange.