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APAH Unit 5 & 6 Quiz

In English

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Chavin de Huantar Peru, Chavin, Stone

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27 questions
Name and IDs
Chavin de Huantar Peru, Chavin, Stone
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Mesa Verde Cliff Dwellings Colorado, Puebloan, Sandstone
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Yaxchilan Mexico, Mayan, Limestone
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The Great Serpent Mound Ohio, Mississippian, Earthwork
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Templo Mayor Mexico, Tenochtitlan, Stone
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Ruler's Feathered Headdress Mexico, Aztec, Feathers and Gold
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City of Cusco Peru, Inka
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Transformation Mask Kwakwaka'wakw, Wood
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Maize Cobs Inka, Sheet Metal
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City of Machu Picchu Peru, Inka, Granite
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All-T'oqapu Tunic Inka, Camelid Fiber
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Bandolier Bag Lenape, Beadwork on Leather
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Painted Elk Hide Wyoming, Cadzi Cody
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Black-on-Black Ceramic Vessel Puebloan, Martinez
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Conical Tower and Circular Wall of Great Zimbabwe Shona People, Granite Blocks
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Great Mosque of Djenne Mali, Adobe
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Wall Plaque from Oba's Palace Nigeria, Cast Brass
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Sika Dwa Kofi Ashanti peoples, Gold over wood
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Ndop of King Mishe miShyaang maMbul Kuba peoples, wood
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Power Figure Kongo peoples, Wood and metal
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Female Pwo Mask Chokwe peoples, Wood and metal
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Portrait Mask Baule peoples, Wood
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Bundu Mask Mende peoples, Wood
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Ikenga Igbo peoples, Wood
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Aka Elephant Mask Bamileke, Wood, Cloth
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Reliquary Figure (Byeri) Fang peoples, Wood
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Veranda Post of Enthroned King and Senior Wife (Opo Ogoga) Yoruba peoples, Wood