AQA A Level Vocabulary 2022
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AQA A Level Vocabulary 2022 - Details
326 questions
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(un)suitable | (poco) apto/apropiado/adecuado |
Addictive | Adictivo |
Enjoyable | Ameno/divertido |
Trashy (i.e. trashy TV) | Basura (i.e. la tele basura) |
Daily | Diario |
Educational | Educativo |
Undesirable | Indeseable |
Unbearable | Insoportable |
Rude | Maleducado |
Monthly | Mensual |
Switched on | Puesto/a |
Fortnightly | Quincenal |
Weekly | Semanal |
Over the top | Sobrado/exagerado |
In front of | Frente a |
'the box' (television) | La caja tonta |
A range of programmes | Una gama de programas |
Tool | Una herramienta |
Child-minder/baby-sitter | Una niñera electrónica |
Screen | La pantalla |
Programme times/range | La programación |
Trashy TV | La telebasura |
Cable TV | La televisión por cable |
Chat show | Una tertulia |
Violence on TV | La violencia televisiva |
Celebrity gossip | Los contenidos de corazón |
Reality programmes | Los programas (reality) |
TV chat/gossip shows | Los programas de cotilleo |
Archetype (certain type of character) | Un arquetipo |
(TV) channel | Un canal de televisión |
Episode | Un capítulo |
Behaviour | El comportamiento |
Contest | Un concurso |
Soap opera | Un culebrón |
Documentary | Un documental |
Commercial break | Un espacio publicitario |
Prime time | El horario de máxima audiencia |
TV news programme | Un informativo |
Jury | Un jurado |
Looser | Un perdedor |
A prize | Un premio |
Target audience | El público objetivo |
Television news bulletin | Un telediario |
TV viewer | Un telespectador |
TV set | Un televisor |
Trailer | Un tráiler |
Winner | Un vencedor |
To extend, spin out, prolong | Alargar |
To set (context of a story) | Ambientar |
To turn off | Apagar |
To make stupid | Atontar |
To spread, transmit | Difundir |
To amuse, distract, entertain | Distraer |
To put on (the TV) | Encender/poner (la tele) |
To get hooked on | Engancharse a |
To get involved in | Enredarse en |
To promote, stir up, encourage | Fomentar |
To impede | Impedir |
To tell, recount | Narrar |
To switch on | Poner/encender |
To attain, achieve, fulfil | Realizar |
To dream (of) | Soñar (con) |
To subsidize | Subvencionar |
To plonk yourself in front of the TV | Apalancarse delante de la tele |
To limit the amount of time spent watching TV | Dosificar el tiempo ante el televisor |
To baby-sit | Hacer de canguro |
To channel hop | Hacer zapping |
To invade someone's privacy | Invadir la intimidad |
Produce a hypnotic effect | Producir un efecto hipnótico |
To get square eyes | Quedarte con los ojos cuadrados |
To drive someone mad | Volver loco a alguien |
Authentic, real | Auténtico |
Vague, indistinct | Borroso |
Effective | Efectivo |
Exciting | Emocionante |
Dishonest, misleading | Engañoso |
Brilliant, clever | Genial |
Essential, indispensable | Imprescindible |
Informative | Informativo |
Noticeable | Llamativo |
Original, innovative | Original, innovador |
Harmful, damaging | Perjudicial |
Persuasive | Persuasivo |
Profitable | Rentable |
Subliminal | Subliminal |
Top quality | De gama alta |
Fashionable | De moda |
The reach | El alcance |
Audience | La audiencia |
Line, border | Una barrera |
Campaign | Una campaña |
A billboard | Una cartelera publicitaria |
Creativity | La creatividad |
Printing press | Una imprenta |
Front page | La portada |
Health advertising | La publicidad sanitaria |
Hoarding, billboard | Una valla |