bingo quiz
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67 questions
🇫🇷 | 🇬🇧 |
Quelqu'un | Someone |
Boucles d'oreilles | Earrings |
Porte | Door |
Dehors | Outside |
Porte | Door |
Porte | Door |
Boucles d'oreilles | Earrings |
Porte | Door |
Gateaux | Cake |
Dehors | Outside |
Porte | Door |
Joue | Play |
Porte | Door |
Porte | Door |
Porte | Door |
Sweat a capuche | Hoodie |
Baskets | Sneakers |
Porte | Door |
Porte | Door |
Oiseau | Bird |
Porte | Door |
Lunettes | Glasses |
Porte | Door |
Compagnie | Pet |
Porte | Door |
Frere | Brother |
Porte | Door |
Poulet | Chicken |
Porte | Door |
Soeur | Sister |
Porte | Door |
Nage | Swimming |
Porte | Door |
Ete a | Been to |
Porte | Door |
Sidentifie comme | Identifies as |
Porte | Door |
Boucles d'oreilles | Earrings |
Champigons | Mushrooms |
Nee | Born |
NA | NA |
Plus grand | Taller |
L'hiver | Winter |
L'ete | Summer |
Aine | Elder |
Joue | Plays |
Myrtille | Blueberry |
Parle | Speak |
Deja vu | Already seen |
Pratique | Convenient |
Regarder | To watch |
Sait faire | Can do |
Chanter | Sing |
Douche | Shower |
Veut pas | Don't want |
Dehors | Outside |
Jamais | Never |
Pommes de terres | Potatoes |
Deteste | Hates |
Parachutism | Parachute |
Tout seul | Alone |
Bateau | Boat |
Alle a | Went to |
Concessionaire honda | Honda dealership |
Cheval | Horse |
Voiture | Car |
Crayon | Pencil |
Dessiner | Draw |
Quelqu'un | Someone |
Jeux video | Video games |
Mourir | Die |
Jamais | Never |
Guitte | Guitar |
Nee | Born |
Poisson | Fish |
Cornichons | Pickles |
Autre | Other |
Avec | With |
Porte | Door |
Disloque | Dislocation |
Bras | Arms |
Chaussassures | Shoes |
Derniers | Lasts |
Grenouille | Frog |
Moins | Less |
Requin | Shark |
Etranger | Foreign |
Prochaines | Next |