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156 questions
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Identify. | American toad; Anaxyrus americanus |
Identify. | Fowlers toad; Anaxyrus fowleri |
Identify. | Midland chorus frog; Pseudacris triseriata |
Identify. | Northern spring peeper; Pseudacris crucifer |
Identify. | Eastern gray treefrog; Hyla versicolor |
Identify. | Bullfrog; Lithobates catesbeianus |
Identify. | Green frog; Lithobates clamitans |
Identify. | Wood frog; Lithobates sylvaticus |
Identify. | Northern leopard frog; Lithobates pipiens |
Identify. | Pickerel frog; Lithobates palustris |
Identify. | Spotted salamander; Ambystoma maculatum |
Identify. | Blue-spotted salamander; Ambystoma laterale |
Identify. | Tiger salamander; Ambystoma tigrinum |
Identify. | Northern red-backed salamander; Plethodon cinereus |
Identify. | Four-toed salamander; Hemidactylium scutatum |
Identify. | Mudpuppy; Necturus maculosus |
Identify. | Eastern newt; Notophthalmus viridescens |
Identify. | Eastern spiny softshell turtle; Apalone spinifera |
Identify. | Common snapping turtle; Chelydra serpentina |
Identify. | Painted turtle; Chrysemys picta |
Identify. | Spotted turtle; Clemmys guttata |
Identify. | Wood turtle; Glyptemys insculpta |
Identify. | Blandings turtle; Emydoidea blandingii |
Identify. | Northern map turtle; Graptemys geographica |
Identify. | Eastern box turtle; Terrapene carolina |
Identify. | Five-lined skink; Eumeces fasciatus |
Identify. | Northern water snake; Nerodia sipedon |
Identify. | Common garter snake; Thamnophis sirtalis |
Identify. | Ribbon snake; Thamnophis sauritus |
Identify. | Brown snake; Storeria dekayi |
Identify. | Northern red-bellied snake; Storeria occipitomaculata |
Identify. | Smooth green snake; Opheodrys vernalis |
Identify. | Blue racer; Coluber constrictor |
Identify. | Black rat snake; Pantherophis alleghaniensis |
Identify. | Eastern milk snake; Lampropeltis triangulum |
Identify. | Northern ring-necked snake; Diadophis punctatus |
Identify. | Eastern hognose snake; Heterodon platirhinos |
Identify. | Eastern massasauga; Sistrurus catenatus |
Identify. | Virginia opossum; Didelphis virginiana |
Identify (~ 14-15in). | Long-tailed weasel; Neogale frenata |
Identify. | Big brown bat; Eptesicus fuscus |
Identify. | Masked shrew; Sorex cinereus |
NA | NA |
Identify. | Short-tailed shrew; Blarina brevicauda |
Identify (~ 14-15in). | Long-tailed weasel; Neogale frenata |
Identify. | Eastern mole; Scalopus aquaticus |
Identify (~ 14-15in). | Long-tailed weasel; Neogale frenata |
Identify. | Star-nosed mole; Condylura cristata |
Identify (~ 14-15in). | Long-tailed weasel; Neogale frenata |
Identify. | Little brown bat; Myotis lucifugus |
Identify (~ 14-15in). | Long-tailed weasel; Neogale frenata |
Identify. | Eastern red bat; Lasiurus borealis |
Identify (~ 14-15in). | Long-tailed weasel; Neogale frenata |
Identify (~ 14-15in). | Long-tailed weasel; Neogale frenata |
Identify. | Big brown bat; Eptesicus fuscus |
Identify. | Eastern cottontail; Sylvilagus floridanus |
Identify (~ 14-15in). | Long-tailed weasel; Neogale frenata |
Identify. | Snowshoe hare; Lepus americanus |
Identify (~ 14-15in). | Long-tailed weasel; Neogale frenata |
Identify. | Eastern chipmunk; Tamias striatus |
Identify (~ 14-15in). | Long-tailed weasel; Neogale frenata |
Identify. | Woodchuck; Marmota monax |
Identify (~ 14-15in). | Long-tailed weasel; Neogale frenata |
Identify. | 13-lined ground squirrel; Spermophilus tridecemlineatus |
Identify (~ 14-15in). | Long-tailed weasel; Neogale frenata |
Identify. | Eastern gray squirrel; Sciurus carolinensis |
NA | NA |
Identify. | Eastern fox squirrel; Sciurus niger |
Identify. | American red squirrel; Tamiasciurus hudsonicus |
Identify. | Southern flying squirrel; Glaucomys volans |
Identify. | American beaver; Castor canadensis |
Identify one possible common name and its genus (common name; genus). | Deer mouse; Peromyscus |
Identify. | Meadow vole; Microtus pennsylvanicus |
Identify. | Muskrat; Ondatra zibethicus |
Identify. | Big brown bat; Eptesicus fuscus |
Identify. | House mouse; Mus musculus |
Identify. | Meadow jumping mouse; Zapus hudsonius |
Identify. | Porcupine; Erethizon dorsatum |
Identify. | Coyote; Canis latrans |
Identify. | Gray wolf; Canis lupus |
Identify. | Red fox; Vulpes vulpes |
Identify. | Gray fox; Urocyon cinereoargenteus |
Identify. | Black bear; Ursus americanus |
Identify. | Common racoon; Procyon lotor |
Identify (~ 10in). | American ermine; Mustela richardsonii |
Identify (~ 14-15in). | Long-tailed weasel; Neogale frenata |
Identify (3-5in). | Least weasel; mustela nivalis |
Identify. | Mink; Neogale vison |
Identify. | American badger; Taxidea taxus |
Identify. | Striped skunk; Mephitis mephitis |
Identify. | River otter; Lutra canadensis |
Identify. | Bobcat; Lynx rufus |
Identify. | White-tailed deer; Odocoileus virginianus |
Identify. | Wapiti; Cervus canadensis |
Identify. | Moose; Alces alces |
Identify. | American toad; Anaxyrus americanus |
Identify. | Fowlers toad; Anaxyrus fowlerii |
Identify. | Midland chorus frog; Pseudacris triseriata |
Identify. | Northern spring peeper; Pseudacris crucifer |
Identify. | Eastern gray tree frog; Hyla versicolor |