Biology class 11th
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46 questions
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What are components of lichens? | Thallus of lichen consist of 2 components 1. Algae and 2. Fungi |
Briefly describe about phycobiont? | -PHYCOBIONT -Algal component of lichens -from BGA or green algae -it performs photosynthesis and provides organic nutrition to the fungal component. |
Briefly describe about mycobiont? | MYCOBIONT - fungal component of lichens. - from Ascomycetes and basidiomycetes. - it provides protection and inorganic nutrition ( water and Minerals) to algal component. |
Name three types of lichens. | 1. Crustose lichen 2. Foliose lichen 3. Fructicose lichens. |
What do you know about crustose lichen? | Crustose lichen: Their thallus is flattened lower. Lower surface of these lichens is adhered to the surface like crust. e.g. Graphis |
What do you know about Foliose lichens? | Their thallus is leafy e.g. Parmelia,Peltigera,Loberia,etc. |
What do you know about fruticose lichen? | Fruticose lichen: Body of these lichen is highly branched shurb like. e.g. Rocella, Cladonia and usnea. |
Directly view answer. | Kingdom Protista consist of unicellular eukaryotes. |
What is general habitat of protists organisms? | They are primarily aquatic. |
The kingdom protista links to which kingdoms ? | Protista is a link between plants, animals and fungi. |
Tell about cell body of protistians ? | Being eukaryotes, the protistian cell body contains a well defined nucleus and, other membrane bound organelles. |
According to R.H. Whittaker member of kingdom plantae show what characters [3 characteristics] | Characteristics: 1. Multicellular Eukaryotic 2. Photosynthetic 3. Cellulose cell wall |
Describe their body shape | They have dorsoventrally flat body |
How many germ layers are there in Platyhelminthes | They are triploblastic, means they have three germ layers |
Which kind of coelom is present in Platyhelminthes | They are acoelomates. |
How is their body symmetry | They have bilateral symmetry |
"Mostly Platyhelminthes are endoparasite" then what is the exception | Dugesia (planaria) is free living. |
Life cycle of taenia solium | Tenia solium is also called for Pork tapeworm. |
Life cycle of fasciola hepatica | Fasciola hepatica is commonly known as liver fluke. |
What are the uses of circus in fasciola | Oral suckers and ventral suckers helps in attachment to bile duct of liver of sheep and also helps in food intake. |
Describe about head of taenia. | Head contain two rows of hooks and for Muscular structures - upper part in head of taenia is called rostellum and it contains two rows of hooks - strobilla is made up of many cells called proglottids. |
In which Platyhelminthes digestive system is absent. | In Taenia- digestive system is absent because it directly absorb digested food of human beings through its body surface. |
How these animals protect themselves from digestive juices of the host? | These animals have a thick outer layer called "tegument" it protects those animals from the digestive juices of the host. |
What help in excretion in these animals? | Flame cells (solenocytes) -Protonephridia contains many flame cells. |
What are parasitic adaptations in Platyhelminthes? | 1.Hooks helps the parasite to get attached to small intestine of host. 2. Suckers help in attachment and food ingestion. 3. Thick tegument protects the parasite from adhesive enzymes of host. 4. Taenia can observe food directly through body surface. |
Which kind of nervous system is there in such animals. | They have ladder like nervous system. |
"Platyhelminthes are hermaphrodite" explain this statement. | It means that Platyhelminthes are bi sexual both male and female reproductive organs are present in the same animal. But schistoma (blood fluke) is an exception- female lives in gynaecophoric Canal. |
What kind of fertilization and development is there in Platyhelminthes | They have internal fertilization and indirect development. |
Which is the smallest tapeworm? | Echinococcus dog tapeworm |
Which is the largest tapeworm? | Taenia saginata beef tapeworm is the largest tapeworm. Rostellum and hooks are absent in taenia saginata. |
What is use of statocyst in these animals | Statocyst is present at aboral end it helps in balancing. |
What is use of statocyst in these animals | Statocyst is present at aboral end it helps in balancing. |
What is use of statocyst in these animals | Statocyst is present at aboral end it helps in balancing. |
What is use of statocyst in these animals | Statocyst is present at aboral end it helps in balancing. |
What is habitat of animals from Phylum Ctenophora? | They are exclusively marine |
What is meaning of ctenophora? | Greek words Ktenes - comb Phors - bearing So ctenophora means comb bearers |
Give some general characteristics of animals. | They are diploblastic and they have radial symmetry also they have tissue level of organisation. |
How many comp plates do they have? | The external surface of their body bears ate ciliated comp plates and these comb plates helps in locomotion. |
How do they capture their food | Tentacles have colloblast cells( Lesso cells )these secret a sticky substance making tentacles sticky- sticky tentacles helps in capturing food. |
Which kind of fertilization takes place in them | External fertilization |
Which kind of development is there | Indirect development They have cydippid larva |
Give some examples of Ctenophores. | Pleurobrachia (sea gooseberry) Ctenoplana Hormiphora (sea walnut) Costume (Venus girdle) Beroe (swimming eye of a cat) |
What is use of statocyst in these animals | Statocyst is present at aboral end it helps in balancing. |