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Cell D 1&2

In English

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either Mitosis or Meiosis

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21 questions
Either Mitosis or Meiosis
Somatic Diploid Cells (2N
Normal everyday body cells which have chromosomes in homologous pairs of two
Cell Divides...
Because they continue to grow and grow, and the bigger they are the more nutrients they need=they starve
A buildup of cells as a result of multiple mutations causing cells to divide uncontrollably and not die when they should
P in PMAT is
Prophase- Sister Chromatids become visible because nucleus breaks down
M in PMAT is
Metaphase Sister Chromatids meet in the middle
A in PMAT is
Anaphase Sister Chromatids are moved apart by Spindle Fibers made by Centrosomes organelles
T in PMAT is
Telophase two new nuclei form around each cluster of chromosomes
Do meiosis produce two daughter cells
Produces 4 unique Haploid (N) Gamete sex cells with 23 chromosomes
Does round do copy round 1
No, interphase does not repeat
Appear because nucleus breaks down
Crossing Over
Occurs pieces of DNA are exchanged among each tetrad forming new unique & diverse chromosomes
In cytokineses
Cytoplasm pinches in half forming 2 new cells that are completely different from each other and its parent
Haploid sex cells (sperm and egg)
Haploid Cells (N)
Contain half the # of chromosomes as Diploid (2N) cells