CELS Eglish Episode 35 River, Lakes & Oceans
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CELS Eglish Episode 35 River, Lakes & Oceans - Leaderboard
CELS Eglish Episode 35 River, Lakes & Oceans - Details
41 questions
🇪🇸 | 🇬🇧 |
Río | River |
Lago | Lake |
Mar | Sea |
Corriente | Stream |
Arroyo | Creek |
Oceano | Ocean |
Canal | Canal |
Cascada | Waterfall |
Olas | Waves |
Rápidos | Rapids |
Bahía | Bay |
Isla | Island |
Presa | Dam |
Profundo | Deep |
Poco profundo | Shallow |
Rápido | Fast |
Burbujas | Bubbles |
Pescado | Fish |
Nadar | To swim |
Surfear | To surf |
Navegar | To sail |
Bucear | To dive |
Para hacer snorkel | To snorkel |
Mojarse | To get wet |
Pescar | To fish |
Esquiar | To ski |
Para kayak | To kayak |
Salpicar | To splash |
Estoy nadando en el océano | I am swimming in the ocean |
Estoy nadando en el lago | I am swimming in the lake |
Estoy nadando en la laguna | I am swimming in the lagoon |
Estoy pescando en el barco con mi padre. | I am fishing in the boat with my father. |
Estoy pescando en el río con mi hermano. | I am fishing in the river with my brother. |
Estoy pescando en el océano con mis amigos. | I am fishing in the ocean with my friends. |
Me encanta surfear en el océano. | I love to surf in the ocean. |
Me encanta nadar en el mar. | I love to swim in the ocean. |
Me encanta pescar en el océano. | I love to fish in the ocea. |
Es divertido ir a pescar al río. | Its fun to go fishing in the river. |
Es divertido ir a nadar al lago. | Its fun to go swimming in the lake. |
Quiero hacer kayak con mis amigos. | I want to go kayaking with my friends. |
Quiero ir a bucear con mi dave. | I want to go diving with my dave. |