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Yellow sun | Жовте сонце |
Blue fish | Синя риба |
Red apple | Червоне яблуко |
Green grapes | Зелений виноград |
Orange orange | Помаранчевий апельсин |
Purple rose | Фіолетова троянда |
Pink pig | Рожева свиня |
Black bat | Чорний кажан |
Brown bench | Коричнева лавка |
Light blue sky | Світло-блакитне небо |
Dark blue night | Темно-синя ніч |
Violet flowers | Фіолетові квіти |
Gray car | Сірий автомобіль |
Gold ring | Золоте кільце |
Silver spoon | Срібна ложка |
Light green moss | Світло-зелений мох |
Dark green forest | Темно-зелений ліс |
Light blue sky | Світло-блакитне небо |
Dark blue pencil | Темно-блакитний олівець |
Pale red rose | Блідо-рожева троянда |
Pale violet lavender | Блідо-фіолетова лаванда |
Red hair | Руде волосся |
Greenish car | Зеленувата машина |
Yellowish water | Жовтувата вода |
Maroon | Dark brownish-red; reminds of autumn leaves or chestnuts. |
Crimson | A rich, deep red color; often associated with blood or rubies. |
Scarlet | A brilliant, slightly orange red; reminiscent of poppies or ripe tomatoes. |
Burgundy | A dark, purplish-red; reminiscent of red wine or autumn leaves. |
Salmon | A light, pinkish-orange red; similar to the color of salmon flesh or a sunset sky. |
Navy | A very dark blue; resembles the deep ocean or the midnight sky. |
Turquoise | A greenish-blue; might remind you of tropical seas or gemstones. |
Sky blue | A light, pale blue; associated with a clear, sunny day's sky. |
Azure | A bright, cerulean blue; evokes images of a clear, summer sky or shallow tropical waters. |
Teal | A medium to dark greenish-blue; can be associated with peacock feathers or a forest lake. |
Emerald | A bright, deep green; reminiscent of the gemstone or lush forest. |
Lime | A light, bright green; similar to lime fruit or young spring leaves. |
Olive | A dark yellowish-green; associated with olive fruits. |
Chartreuse | A bright, yellowish-green; brings to mind the color of spring leaves or lime zest. |
Jade | A dark, slightly bluish-green; often associated with jade stone or deep forest foliage. |
Gold | A shiny, metallic yellow; often associated with gold metal. |
Lemon | A bright, tangy yellow; reminiscent of fresh lemons or sunshine. |
Mustard | A dark, somewhat brownish-yellow; similar to the color of mustard condiment or autumn leaves. |
Canary | A bright, pure yellow; often associated with canary birds or blooming daffodils. |
Straw | A pale, yellowish-brown; similar to dry grass or wheat fields. |
Lavender | A light, slightly bluish purple; associated with lavender flowers or a sunset sky. |
Violet | A deep purplish blue; similar to violets or amethyst gemstones. |
Mauve | A pale, grayish-purple, often associated with flowers or delicate fabrics. |
Amethyst | A medium, slightly bluish purple; akin to the color of amethyst crystals or twilight sky. |
Eggplant | A very dark, brownish-purple; reminiscent of the vegetable eggplant or a moonless night sky. |
Coral | A pinkish-orange; brings to mind coral reefs or sunset. |
Peach | A light, soft orange; similar to the color of a ripe peach or the inside of a seashell. |
Amber | A warm, golden orange; often associated with the gemstone amber or autumn leaves. |
Tangerine | A bright, reddish-orange; evokes images of tangerine fruits or a fiery sunset. |
Rust | A dark, reddish-brown orange; similar to the color of rusty iron or fall foliage. |
Charcoal | A very dark gray, almost black; similar to a stormy sky. |
Slate | A medium-dark gray with a slight bluish tint; resembles the color of a rainy sky. |
Silver | A shiny, metallic gray; often associated with silver metal or moonlight. |
Dove | A light, slightly bluish gray; can be associated with morning fog. |
Ash | A medium, neutral gray; often associated with ashes or a cloudy sky. |
Chestnut | A rich, warm brown; reminiscent of chestnut trees or polished wood. |
Beige | A light, somewhat yellowish brown; similar to the color of sand. |
Chocolate | A dark, rich brown; often associated with chocolate or rich, fertile soil. |
Hazel | A light to medium warm brown; often associated with hazel eyes or roasted coffee beans. |
Umber | A dark, reddish-brown; reminiscent of tree bark or fertile soil. |
Aqua | A light, greenish-blue; evokes the color of water. |
Fuchsia | A bright, purplish-red; similar to the color of fuchsia flowers. |
Hot Pink | A vibrant, intense pink; can be associated with excitement and femininity. |
Magenta | A deep, purplish-red; associated with the color of magenta dye or ripe raspberries. |
Indigo | A deep, rich blue; reminiscent of the color of indigo dye or a night sky. |
Cyan | A bright, greenish-blue; similar to the color of a tropical sea. |
Aquamarine | A light, greenish-blue; evokes the color of aquamarine gemstones or clear tropical water. |
Pea Green | A yellowish-green; reminiscent of the color of fresh peas. |
Wheat | A light, yellowish-brown; similar to the color of wheat fields. |
Golden | A bright, yellowish-brown; brings to mind the color of golden retriever fur or ripe wheat fields. |
Colar | A red-orange; associated with the color of reefs or a warm sunset. |
Ivory | A very light, slightly yellowish white; reminiscent of the color of elephant tusk or cream. |
Khaki | A light, yellowish-brown; similar to the color of respective fabric or dry grass. |