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Communicating with children

In English

Created by:
Lapras Fan

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What are some recommendations to communicate with children

Establish rapport Give eye contact to the child and parent. Be at the child’s eye level Ensure child-friendly environment Observe, wait, listen (OWL) Use simple language and explain medical concepts appropriately Offer choice --> can give rewards Do mock examinations on a toy or parent

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10 questions
What are some recommendations to communicate with children
Establish rapport Give eye contact to the child and parent. Be at the child’s eye level Ensure child-friendly environment Observe, wait, listen (OWL) Use simple language and explain medical concepts appropriately Offer choice --> can give rewards Do mock examinations on a toy or parent
What are some barriers when talking to teenagers
Can be rude May not be forthcoming about information Not comfortable talking in front of their parents Can ask them if they want the parents to step out May not understand medical jargon Mental health can be a large problem Important not to treat them as a child
What are some consultation basics which can be used for teenagers
Make a quick assessment of level of maturity Consider introducing yourself more ( or less ) formally Set some ground rules Avoid speaking to them as a child HOWEVER Simplify your language and explanations
What are some hurdles that can come up when communicating with children
Easily distractible Rely on their parents Hard to explain the concepts Lower attention span, difficult to keep them interested in the consultation May not want to speak to the doctor/in front of their parents Some kids can be non-verbal, may be shy, defaults to adults Can be extremely hyperactive or may not engage Adult can be more dominant then the child
What are some good ways to establish a good rapport
Jokes, smiles and laughs can help a child relax and begin to trust you Different societies vary in the amount of eye contact which is usual with an adult A certain amount of eye contact is helpful. If you do not look at children you might not notice if they are upset Be aware of attachment behaviors
What type of questions would you use when communicating to children
Open questions and comments encourage the child to continue talking and ensure you are actively listening Use simple language. Adults often talk to children without stopping to think if they are being understood. Try to explain things to them in a way that links with their own experience
What is attachment
An affectional bond that a person feels for another Strong early attachment bonds predict later parent-child relationships Attachment can be inferred from attachment behaviors
Types of Attachments
Secure attachment “Waa mummy!” Insecure attachment --> Avoidant/detached “I don’t care!” Ambivalent/resistant “I love you and I hate you!” Disorganised/disoriented "I'm confused"
What are the different theories of Language Development
Nativism (nature): Innate language acquisition device (Chomsky) Behaviourism (nurture): Reinforcement, social learning and observational (Skinner) Interactionism (nature and nurture): A combination of innate and environmental factors
What can attachment predict
Attachment predicts family responses to children’s illness