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In English

Created by:
Slavomir Stankov

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A computer can be defined as ...

a programmable, electronic device that accepts data, performs operations on that data, presents the results, and stores the data or results as needed.
a programmable, electronic device that accepts data, performs operations on that data, presents the results, and stores the data or results as needed.

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139 questions
A computer can be defined as ...
A programmable, electronic device that accepts data, performs operations on that data, presents the results, and stores the data or results as needed.
The fact that a computer is programmable means that ...
A computer will do whatever the instructions—called the program—tell it to do.
The programs used with a computer determine ...
The tasks the computer is able to perform.
What is Input?
Entering data into the computer.
What is processing?
Performing operations on the data.
What is output?
Presenting the results.
What is storage?
Saving data, programs, or output for future use
Example: A computer is programmed to add two numbers.
The result can be seen in the pictures.
What is communications function?
Sending or retrieving data via the Internet, accessing information located in a shared company database, or exchanging data or e-mail messages with others.
What is computer data?
The words in a letter to a friend, the numbers in a monthly budget, the images in a photograph, the notes in a song, or the facts stored in an employee record.
What is information processing?
The conversation of data into information.
Information processing is a ...
Vital activity today for all computer users, as well as for businesses and other organizations.
What is input device?
Any piece of equipment that is used to input data into the computer.
What performs the CPU?
Calculations, comparisons and controls computer's operations.
Other common input devices include ...
Microphone, digital cameras, scanners, touch pads.
CPU is often considered the ...
"brain" of the computer.
Who are computer users?
The people who use computers to perform tasks or obtain information.
A child playing ...
A computer game.
A person ...
Shopping online.
System analysts - computer professionals ...
Who design computer systems to be used within their companies.
Computer operations personnel - computer professionals ...
Who are responsible for the day-to-day computer operations at a company.
Security specialists - computer professionals ...
Who are responsible for securing the company computers and networks against hackers and other intruders.
How is it known that ancient civilizations had the ability to count and compute?
Based on archeological finds, such as notched bones, knotted twine, and hieroglyphics.
What is abacus?
The earliest recorded calculating device.
What did abacus know?
The abacus used primarily as an aid for basic arithmetic calculations.
What were the other computer devices of that time?
Other early computing devices include the slide rule, the mechanical calculator, and Dr. Herman Hollerith’s Punch Card Tabulating Machine and Sorter.
What is the fundamental element of the Hollerith's machine?
Read punch cards—special cards with holes punched in them to represent data.
What is an example of good practice with an Hollerith's machine?
Hollerith’s machine was used to process the 1890 U.S. Census data.
What could the Hollerith's machine do?
Hollerith's machine was able to complete the task in two and a half years, instead of the decade it usually took to process data manually.
Hollerith’s company eventually became ...
International Business Machines (IBM).
How First-Generation Computers was powered?
They were powered by thousands of vacuum tubes.
What are the problems with vacuum tubes?
The vacuum tubes required constant replacement required a lot of electricity, and generated a lot of heat.
How did the First-Generation computer calculate?
First-generation computers could solve only one problem at a time since they needed to be physically rewired with cables to be reprogrammed.
How was the calculation performed?
It took a few days (sometimes even weeks) to calculate and a few more days to check before the computer could be used.
Which input and output devices did the FG computer use?
Usually, paper punch cards and paper tape were used for input, and output was printed on paper.
For which ENIAC was used and II. world war?
ENIAC was used to calculate artillery tables for the U.S. military.
How is ENIAC computers evaluated?
Instead of the 40 hours required for a person to compute, ENIAC could complete the same calculations in less than two minutes.
When and for whom was UNIVAC realized?
1951. initially built for the U.S. Census Bureau and was used to analyze votes in the 1952 U.S. presidential election.
What is interesting about UNIVAC?
Correct prediction of an Eisenhower victory only 45 minutes after the polls closed was not publicly aired because the results were not trusted.
UNIVAC became the first computer to be ...
Mass-produced for general commercial use.
What is transistor?
A small device made of semiconductor material that acts like a switch to open or close electronic circuits.
What did the transistor enable the Second-Generation computer?
Physically smaller, less expensive, more powerful, more energy-efficient, and more reliable.
What are the input, output, and storage devices of the Second-Generation computer?
Programs and data were input on punch cards and magnetic tape, output was on punch cards and paper printouts, and magnetic tape was used for storage.
What was developed and implemented for the Second-Generation computer?
Hard drives and programming languages (such as FORTRAN and COBOL) were developed and implemented during this generation.
The replacement of the transistor with ...
Integrated circuits (ICs) marked the beginning of the third generation of computers.
The Third-Generation computers to be ...
Even smaller and more reliable than computers in the earlier computer generations.
Instead of punch cards and paper printouts, ...
Keyboards and monitors were introduced for input and output; hard drives were typically used for storage.
What does a microprocessor contain?
The core processing capabilities of an entire computer on one single chip.
Which computers fall into the Fourth-Generation category?
The original IBM PC and Apple Macintosh computers, and most of today’s modern computers.
Fourth-Generation computer also witnessed the development of ...
Computer networks, wireless technologies, and the Internet.
What is hardware?
The physical parts of a computer.
What is main processing devices in computer?
Central Processing Unit (CPU).
What are the tasks of the CPU?
Calculations, comparisons and controls computer's operations.
Hardware components can be ...
Internal or external.
CPU is often considered the ...
"brain" of the computer.
Internal component of computer.
Located inside the main box or system unit of the computer.
External component of computer.
Located outside the system unit and connected to the system unit via a wired or wireless connection.
Hardware devices associated with each of the five computer operations ...
Input, processing, output, storage and communications.
What is input device?
Any piece of equipment that is used to input data into the computer.
Other common input devices include ...
Microphone, digital cameras, scanners, touch pads.
What is main processing devices in computer?
Central Processing Unit (CPU).
What are the tasks of the CPU?
Calculations, comparisons and controls computer's operations.
CPU is often considered as the ...
"brain" of the computer.