Computer Science 10
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36 questions
🇬🇧 | 🇬🇧 |
Data items of an Array. | Element |
To initialize an array, use an _____________ of values separated by commas and enclose within curly braces | Initialization list |
Is called when the programmer provides values to all the elements of the array | Populating the array |
The length in array is NOT A METHOD, it is a _________ | FIELD or property of the object |
A loop that allow the program to iterate though an array without specifying the starting and ending points for the loop control variable | Enhanced for loop |
Is one with the same number of elements as another, and for which the values in corresponding elements are related. | Parallel Array |
Comparing a value to the endpoints of numerical ranges to find the category in which a value belongs | Range Match |
– a 2D array that has rows of different lengths. It can also be called as non-rectangular array | Jagged array |
Arrays with more than one dimension | Multidimensional arrays |
Method to remove an item. | Remove() |
Is a mechanism that enables one class to acquire all the behaviors and attributes of another class. | Inheritance |
Is a class that is used as a basis for inheritance. | Base classor superclass or parent class) |
Is a class that inherits from a base class | Derived class (or subclass or child class) |
Methods that work appropriately for subclasses of the same parent class | Subtype polymorphism |