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100 questions
🇵🇹 | 🇬🇧 |
El pan | Bread |
Bread | El pan |
El queso | Cheese |
Cheese | El queso |
Bebida | Drink |
Drink | Bebida |
Pescado | Fish |
Fish | Pescado |
Alimentación | Food |
Food | Alimentación |
Fruta | Fruit |
Fruit | Fruta |
Carne | Meat |
Meat | Carne |
Leche | Milk |
Milk | Leche |
Verdura | Vegetable |
Vegetable | Verdura |
Agua | Water |
Water | Agua |
Bolso | Bag |
Bag | Bolso |
Clase | Class |
Class | Clase |
Ordenador | Computer |
Computer | Ordenador |
Gafas | Glasses |
Glasses | Gafas |
Hotel | Hotel |
Hotel | Hotel |
Casa | House |
House | Casa |
Llaves | Keys |
Keys | Llaves |
Farmacia | Pharmacy |
Pharmacy | Farmacia |
Teléfono | Phone |
Phone | Teléfono |
Tienda | Shop |
Shop | Tienda |
Estación | Station |
Station | Estación |
Supermercado | Supermarket |
Supermarket | Supermercado |
Ciudad pequeña | Town |
Town | Ciudad pequeña |
Cartera | Wallet |
Wallet | Cartera |
Terrible | Awful |
Awful | Terrible |
Grande | Big |
Big | Grande |
Busy | Concurrido (/) concurrida |
Cerrado (/) cerrada | Closed |
Closed | Cerrado (/) cerrada |
Frío | Cold |
Cold | Frío |
Divertido | Fun |
Fun | Divertido |
Caliente | Hot |
Hot | Caliente |
Amable | Kind |
Kind | Amable |
Vago (/) vaga | Lazy |
Lazy | Vago (/) vaga |
Genial | Lovely |
Lovely | Genial |
Moderno (/) moderna | Modern |
Modern | Moderno (/) moderna |
Cerca | Near |
Near | Cerca |
Bueno | Nice |
Nice | Bueno |
Old | Viejo (/) vieja |
Open | Abierto (/) abierta |
Quiet | Tranquilo (/) tranquila |
Lluvioso | Rainy |
Rainy | Lluvioso |
Shy | Tímido (/) tímida |
Pequeño (/) pequeña | Small |
Small | Pequeño (/) pequeña |
Estresante | Stressful |
Stressful | Estresante |
Soleado | Sunny |
Sunny | Soleado |
Agotador | Tiring |
Tiring | Agotador |
Ventoso | Windy |
Windy | Ventoso |
Tía | Aunt |
Aunt | Tía |
Hermano | Brother |
Brother | Hermano |
Primo (/) prima | Cousin |
Cousin | Primo (/) prima |