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DE History (Notes)

In English

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Who was the leader of the Virginia colony?

John Smith

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DE History (Notes) - Details



14 questions
What was the reason for founding and long term stability for Virginia
Tobacco, headright system, indentured servants, finally slavery
What was the reason for founding and long term stability for Pennsylvania
Free land, haven for Quakers, equality brings diversity
What was the reason for founding and long term stability for New York/New Jersey
Free land, religious groups migrated (Jews, Huguenots, Presbyterians)
What was the reason for founding and long term stability for Massachusetts Bay
Puritan Society seeking to reform church (“create city upon a hill”), Intolerance for other religions and beliefs–Salem Witch Trials
Who was the leader of the Rhode Island/Conn. colony?
Roger Williams (RI) Thomas Hooker (Conn)
What was the reason for founding and long term stability for Rhode Island/Conn.
Dissenters from Puritan colony, individualism, self government, friendly relations with Native Americans. Escape Puritan lifestyle
What was the reason for founding and long term stability for Georgia
Colony for debtors, poorer peoples, buffer against Spanish Florida, rice and indigo (cash crops)