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DE History (What factors shaped Colonial Settlement)

In English

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What was the New England Colonies Geography?

-Barren Soil -Wilderness -Cold Winters -Natural Harbors

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DE History (What factors shaped Colonial Settlement) - Details



12 questions
What was the New England Colonies Geography?
-Barren Soil -Wilderness -Cold Winters -Natural Harbors
What was the Middle Colonies Geography?
-Rolling hills -Fertile Soil -Abundance of resources -Wilderness in the interior -Some harbors
What was the Southern Colonies Geography?
-Flat, humid and swampy on the coast with fertile soil -Hilly and rugged inland -Abundance of rivers and tributaries
What was the New England Colonies Economy?
-Shipping/Ship building -Fishing -Small, self-sufficient farms and businesses -Labor: Families, free peoples
What was the Middle Colonies Economy?
-Small farms and businesses -Shipping -Lumber -Trapping -Labor: Families, free peoples and indentured servants
What was the Southern Colonies Economy?
-Coast: Plantation, cash crops (cotton, tobacco, rice) Labor: Enslaved persons -Inland: Smaller farms, hunting Labor: Poor whites and indentured servants
What were the people of New England Colonies like?
-Puritan culture: strict order, middle class, work ethic -Purify/reform Church of England -Some breakaway groups in Rhode Island and Connecticut -Migrants from England -Class of Merchants/shopkeepers
What were the people of Middle Colonies like?
-Diversity in religions and ethnicities: Quakers in Pa, Huguenots and Jews in N.Y, Presbyterians in N.J. -German, French and English speakers -Class of Merchants/shopkeepers
What were the people of Southern Colonies like?
-English aristocrats -Enslaved class -Poor whites (Scots/Irish) in inland areas -Strongest loyalty to Church of England
What was the government like in New England Colonies?
-Direct form of Democracy -Government built around the town meeting: whole participation -Puritan law in Mass.- close relationship between Puritan religion and the law -Other areas were more tolerant
What was the government like in Middle Colonies?
-Representative democracy -Lawmakers among merchant/artisan class -Tolerance for all religious/ethnic groups -Equality under the law insured a secular society.
What was the government like in Southern Colonies?
-Aristocracy: Rich landowners dominated politics -Law makers were among educated/landowning elite -Legislative bodies created to represent people (House of Burgesses in Va) -Little or no tolerance for poor whites/enslaved persons