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atoms of the same element with different numbers of neutrons and different masses

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32 questions
Atoms of the same element with different numbers of neutrons and different masses
Relative isotopic mass
Mass compared with 1/12th mass of carbon 12
Relative atomic mass
Weighted mean mass compared with 1/12th mass of carbon 12
Empirical formula
Simplest whole number ratio of atoms of each element present in a compound
Molecular formula
Number and type of atoms of each element in a molecule
Ionic bonding
Electrostatic attraction between positive and negative ions
Strong electro station attraction between a shared pair of electrons and nuclei of bonded atoms
Ability of an atom to attract the bonding electrons in a covalent bond
First ionisation energy
Removal of 1 ‘ol of electrons from 1 mol of gaseous atoms
Metallic bonding
Strong electro station attraction between cations and delocalised electrons
Oxidation and reduction of the same element
Standard conditions and standard states
Physical states under standard conditions
Enthalpy change of formation
One mol of a compound formed from its elements
Enthalpy change of combustion
Complete combustion of 1 mol of a substance
Enthalpy change of neutralisation
Formation of 1 mol of water from neutralisation
Average bond enthalpy
Breaking of 1 mol of bonds in gaseous molecules
General formula
Simplest algebraic formula of a member of a homologous series
Structural formula
Minimal detail that shows arrangement of atoms in a molecule
Skeletal formula
The simplified organic formula shown by removing hydrogen groups from alkyl chains
Homologous series
A series of organic compounds having the same functional group but with each successive member by differing by ch2
Functional group
A group of atoms responsible for the characteristic reactions of a compound
Compound containing carbon and hydrogen joined together in straight branched chains or non aromatic rings
An aliphatic compound arranged in non aromatic rings or without side chains
Single carbon carbon bonds
Structural isomers
Compounds with the same molecular formula but different structural formula
Homolytic fission
Each bonding atom receiving ice electron from the bonded pair forming two radicals
Heterolytic fission
One bonding atom receiving both electrons from the bonded pair
Species with an unpaired electron
Sigma bonds
Overlap of orbitals directly between the bonding atoms
Compounds with the same structural formula but with a different arrangement in space
Electron pair acceptiorb
An electron pair donor