English Spanish language
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English Spanish language - Leaderboard
English Spanish language - Details
116 questions
🇬🇧 | 🇪🇸 |
Beach | Playa |
Beach | Playa |
Beach | Playa |
Beach | Playa |
Beach | Playa |
Beach | Playa |
Charmed | Encantado |
Answer | Contestar |
When | Cuando |
Purchase | Comprar |
Understand | Comprender |
Have | Tener |
To take | Tomar |
Years | Años |
Grandson/granddaughter | Nieto/nieta |
Almost | Casi |
Also | También |
Enough | Bastante |
Together | Juntos |
For this | Por esto |
Second | Segundo |
What time is it? | ¿qué hora es? |
It's one o'clock | Es la una |
Half past two | Las dos y media |
Midday | Mediodia |
Midnight | Medionoche |
Fourth | Quarto |
To know | Saber |
See you soon | Hasta pronto |
Welcome | Bienvenido |
Have a nice day | Que tengos unbien dia |
Good luck | Buena suerte |
Grandmother | Abuela |
Grandfather | Abuelo |
The best | El mejor |
Parents | Padres |
Place | Lugar |
Place of residence | Lugar de residencia |
Languages | Idiomas |
Believe | Creer |
To dress | Vistir |
Shower | Ducho |
Call | Llamarse |
Understood | Endendido |
It is clear | Esta claro |
I get it | Entiendo |
Birthdays | Compleanios |
Car | Coche |
Want to | Quierer |
Close | Cerrar |
Go out | Salir |
This weekend | Esta fin de samana |
For | Para |
Because | Porque |
Hear | Oir |
Do | Hacer |
Known | Conocida |
Dish | Plato |
There is | Hay |
Jungles | Selvas |
Hot | Calor |
It's cold | Hace frio |
The weather is warm | El clima es templado |
Rains | Llueve |
Snow | Nieva |
Remember | Recuarda |
Precious | Precioso |
Kind | Amable |
Noun | Sustantivo |
Country | Pais |
Beach | Playa |
City | Ciudad |
Bear | Oso |
Thing | Cosa |
Pass | Pasa |
Yesterday | A yer |
Today | Hoy |
Tomorrow | Manana |
Now | Aora |
Then | Luego |
Monday | Lunes |
Tuesday | Martes |
Wednesday | Miercoles |
Thursday | Jueves |
Friday | Viernes |
Saturday | Sabado |
Sunday | Domingo |
January | Enero |
February | Febrero |
March | Marzo |
April | Abril |
May | Mayo |
June | Junio |
July | Julio |
August | Augusto |
September | Septiembre |
October | Octubre |
November | Noviembre |
December | Diciembre |
Spring | Primavera |