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Lapras Fan

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What epithelia is shown


Stratified columnar

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30 questions
What epithelia is shown
Stratified columnar
Where is simple squamous found
Alveoli epithelia and blood vessel endothelium
Where is stratified columnar found
Salivary gland, eyes, urinary tract
What epithelia shown
Stratified squamous
Features of simple squamous epithelium
Thin, scale-like flat cells Single layer All rest on the basement membrane Nuclei bulge from cell surface
Function of simple squamous epithelium
Lubrication to allow movement of viscera Gas exchange ( alveoli ) Barrier ( Bowman's capsule ) Passive transport of water Active transport
Where can simple squamous epithelium be found
Lining of blood and lymph vessels (endothelium) Bowman's capsule Loop of henle Inner and middle ear Intercalated pancreatic ducts
Features of simple cuboidal
Equal width and height Centrally places round nucleus Rests on basement membrane May or may not feature brush border of microvilli
Location of simple cuboidal epithelium
Thyrocytes Mesothelium of ovary Small ducts of many exocrine glands Kidney tubules Respiratory bronchioles
Function of simple cuboidal
Secretion Absorption Conduit Barrier Hormone synthesis and mobilisation
Features of simple columnar
Rectangular Oval basal nucleus Rests on basement membrane
Where is simple columnar found
Small intestine and colon Gallbladder Striated duct of salivary gland
Function of simple columnar found
Secretion Absorption Conduit Transport
Pseudostratified squamous epithelium features
Some tall some short Nuclei found in basal 2/3rd Some have cilia
Psuedostratified squamous epithelium is found where
Nasal cavity, trachea, Bronchi Auditory canal inter lobular duct of parotid gland Lacrimal sac Epididymis Parts of the male urethra
Psuedostratified squamous epithelium function
Secretion Absorption Conduit Particle trapping --> cilia associated
Stratified squamous epithelium (non-keratinized) features
Arranged in layers Basal cuboidal or columnar cells Flattened cells are replaced by proliferation and differentiation of basal cells
Stratified squamous epithelium location ( non-keratinised )
Oral cavity Oesophagus Larynx Vagina: Secrets glycogen which is a substrate for the formation of lactobacilli Anal canal Surface of cornea
Stratified squamous epithelium function
Protects against abrasion and water loss Secretion
Stratified squamous epithelium (keratinized) features
5-6 layers Basal cuboidal cells Upper layer consists of flattened, dead, anuclear, keratinized cells
Function of stratified squamous epithelium keratinised
Protects against UV light rays Abrasion and water loss
Transitional epithelium features
Relaxed = Appears 4-5 layers thick Basal layer cuboidal Intermediate layer larger, polygonal Surface dome- like/rounded/umbrella shaped
Transitional epithelium locations
Renal calyces Ureters Bladder Proximal urethra
Transitional epithelium function
Distensibility Protection of underlying tissue from cytotoxic effects of urine
What are the different intercellular junctions
Tight junctions ( zona occludens ) Spot junctions ( Demsomes or musculae adherens ) Adheren junctions Hemidesmosomes
Features of Tight junctions
AKA zona occludens Basically contain occludens and also connect microfilaments of adjacent cells and aim to control diffusion in apical regions Found closest to the epithelium
Features of Adheren junctions
Connect microfilaments of adjacent cells
Features of spot junctions
AKA desmosomes or musculae adherens Comprised of integrins and provide continous epithelium Anchored by intermediate filaments
Features of hemidesmosomes
Anchors cells the the BM by integrins
What are Junctional complexes
These isolate the luminal space from the intercellular space Fluid is moved from e.g. the intestinal lumen into the cell, then into the intercellular space, and finally across the basement membrane into connective tissue and vasculature Cholera can disrupt this complexes leading to increased intestinal permeability