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Evolution - Leaderboard
Evolution - Details
22 questions
🇬🇧 | 🇬🇧 |
Change in population of species over time | Theory of evolution |
Suggested that new physical traits could be acquired or lost during one's life through use or disuse and passed onto offspring | Theory of acquired traits |
First step in the process of evolution | Trait variations from gene mutations |
Second step in the process of evolution | Natural selection |
Third step in the process of evolution | Reproductive inheritance |
Fourth step in the process of evolution | Population adaptation |
Why do traits have unequal fitness levels | Balances overpopulation |
Organisms with the adaptive trait become more frequent than organisms with less advantageous traits | Population adaptation |
Helps deter different species from mating | Reproductive isolation barriers |
What affects rate of evolution | Rate of reproduction and how fast the environment changes |
Rapid evolutionary change followed by a longer period of no change | Punctuated equilibrium |
The deeper the fossil the older it is | Relative dating |
The less radioactive carbon the older the fossil is | Radioactive carbon isotope dating |