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Expressions followed by verb + -ing

ONLY FLASHCARDS AND GAPS AVAILABLE Practice expressions + verb+-ing: have difficulty/have a good time/spend time or money/go+ verb+-ing

In English
Expressions followed by verb + -ing

Created by:
Maricene Crus

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I have difficulty...

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20 questions
I have difficulty...
Memorizing new vocabulary in English.
My sister has some problems...
Reading without her glasses.
I had no difficulty...
Remembering their names.
They will have problems...
Negotiating the deal.
Debora is having a hard time...
Accepting her new working schedule.
I had some difficulty...
Explaining the situation to my friend.
My neighbor had trouble...
Finding a pediatrician for her baby.
Nina is having some problems...
Adapting to her new diet.
Sometimes I have difficulty...
Expressing myself in English.
We had a difficult time...
Arriving in Curaçao after missing our conection flight.
I have difficulty...
Understanding what people ask me during conference calls.
Debora and I had some problems...
Agreeing with the hotel people in Curaçao.
I've always had problems...
Finding comfortable shoes.
I had no trouble...
Getting a good night sleep last night.
Keta had a good time...
Playing with Mike today.
She had an easy time...
Convincing everyone to buy her products.
Our friends and families had a great time...
Celebrating our wedding with us.
We had a lot of fun...
Sightseeing in our honeymoon.
My family and I had a wonderful time...
Going to the beach last weekend.
Nina and Lili had a good time...
Playing with the other dogs in the park yesterday.
Would you like to go...
Dancing tonight?
We want to go...
Scuba diving this summer. SCUBA  self-contained underwater breathing apparatus
My niece wants to go...
Shopping for a new dress on Saturday.
My neighbors always go...
Fishing in the summer.
It's no use...
Telling her what to do. She always does whatever she thinks it's right.
It's no use...
Lying to your close friends. They will find out the truth eventually.
It's no use...
Saving so much money if you're not going to enjoy spending it.
There's no point in...
Trying to persuade me to buy a car. I don't need one.
There was no point in...
Waiting for them... so I left.
What's the point of...
Buying so much clothes if you always wear jeans and a white T-shirt?
What's the point of...
Sending him love messages if you know that he's not interested in you?
My cousin always spends her money...
Buying things she doesn't need.
They spent hours...
Binge-watching series on the weekend.
He always wastes his time...
Playing video games.
It was a waste of time...
Watching that movie. It was so boring.
I don't mind spending my money...
Taking care of my mental and physical health.
That is such a stupid series.
It's not worth watching it at all!
That new museum is so boring.
If you ask me, it's not worth visiting.
I've been busy all morning...
Trying to organize my schedule for this semester.
Would you like to go to the movies tomorrow afternoon?
Sorry, I can't. I'll be busy studying for my English test on Monday.