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Ferske økosystemer mathilde og asger

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307 questions
What is meant by that streams are an open ecosystem?
They are a link between land and water hotspots for nutrient uptake and removal
What is the hydrologic cycle?
Describes the distribution and movement of water between the earth and atmosphere
What is a hydrograph? What determines the hydrograph? What are the five elements of stream flow / natural flow regime?
Is discharge over time. So after rainfall discharge will increase and then decrease. I hydrograph shows how the discharge changes with time after rainfall. Determined by: climate, vegetation, geology and terrain. The five elements: magnitude of flow Frequency of occurance Duration Timing Rate of rise/fall
In a stream what are riffles, pools, run and neander?
Riffle: fast running water Pools: after riffle slow Run: inbetween pool and riffle - intermediate speed. Same amount of water needs to go through pool, riffle and run so where area is going down the velocity (speed) is going up. Buerne her nede hedder gamle neanderbuer.
How are riffles and pools created? When is the difference between riffle and pool smalles?
Riffles and pools are created during high flows. During high flow the highest velocity will be in the pool areas because of less friction and rocks and such are placced in riffle areas. during low flows velocity will be higher in the riffles. So in high flow the difference between riffle and pool is smaller
Explain briefly when tramsportation and sedimentation occurs
Fine particles are moved in high or moderate velocity. big sediment will only move in much higher velocity. So from the sediment you can say a lot about the velocity. Erosion requires more energy than transport.
What are some consequences of adding drainage pipes to a stream?
Drainage pipe: affects hydrology and transports a lot of sediment to the stream. Can homogenize habitats by adding a lot of fine sediment.
If you start at the top of the stream and go to the botttom when will erosion, transfer and deposition occur?
Threee zones: Headwater: erosional area because of high velocity Transfer zone: high enough to transfer but not to erode Depositional zone - close to the sea. Velocity is low due to decline in slope and a lot of sediment is deposited here.
What are neanders and how are they created?
Neander (sving). The small søer are neanders that are cut off. Because of erosian a natural floodplain will look like this. But many dont because we have restricted moovement.
What is the diffusive boundry layer?
Difusive boundry layer is important for organisms in both still and flowing water Difussive boundry layer - layers where water is not running. Sollutes and gasses are mooved by difussion over this boundry layer. Higher velocity = lower boundry layer.
Forklar denne figur
Fatter den ikke helt overhovedet faktisk men det virker som om den er ok vigtig
What are the main primary producers in lakes?
Plants, microalgee, macroalgee and mosses. hun har skrevet phytoplankton? i slidet så går ud fra det betyder der ikke er så mange fordi de bliver skyllet ud.
Name som challanges to life in water
Challanges: Low difussion rates in water compared to air(svært at optage ilt og co2 fra vand)
Name some adaptations to life in water for macrophytes. Name at least five.
Submerged leaves: - disected leaves: large surface area so diffusion is quicker. Also minimises water ressistance - Heterofully: Multiple leaf types. - Thin leaves: large surface area - No stomata: not sure how this helps but it does apparently. - No cuticle: Levaes can absorb nutrients directly from water. - Be able to use bicarbonate: der er meget mere bicarbonat i vand. - Aernchyma: det er luftrør basicly som gør der kan transporteres ilt fra shoot til root. Giver også boyency. - Poorly developed roots - Flexible stem
Which plants take up nutrients from water and which do from both water and substrate? Which live in nutrient rich and wich live in nutrient poor?
Nutrient from water: Free flowing Both water and sediment: Rooted Small rooted plants are in nutrient poor. The taller plants are n nutrient rich and the free flowing pants are in the ones that are very nutrient rich (They don't need nutrients from soil no mo)
How does the biomass change with increasing nutrients? Which group thrives best in the highest nutrient levels?
Most groups have increasing biomass until a certain point and then fall but benthic algee seem to just have higher and higher biomass with increasing nutrients (P)
Hvad karakteriserer danske streams og hvad betyder dette i forhold til macrophyte cover?
Lav topografisk slope = ikke stejl Lav current velocety Fint sediment (sand and gravel (grus)) Ikke specielt meget skov rundt om dette betyder at der er piv mange makrofytter generelt i danske streams.
Forklar denne graf Hvad er strategier for C species S species R species og St species
Det siger at hvilken type strategi der vinder afhænger af mængden af resourcer (mangden af eutrophication) og mængden af disturbance. C strategi - Mange resourcer lav disturbance. Det er altså dem der virkeligt er kompetetive. Høj growth, bruger bicarbonat, dense canopy formation (trækroner er det danske ord så vel det der er over vand i guess) S strategi - Lav resourcer lav disturbance. Vokser meget langsomt, Høj root til shoot ratio (nærringsoptag bliver vigtigere end lysoptag), bliver ikke særligt høje, lang livscyklus R strategi - høj resource og høj disturbance de har disturbance resistancy i form af flexibilitet i stammen eller høj root til shoot ratio men ikke samme årsag som S strategi. Hurtig til at rekolinisere, hæj biomass groth, kort livscyklus St strategi - høj disturbance lav resource. Slow biomass growth, bliver ikke høje, lang livscyklus, høj disturbance resistance, hurtig til at rekolonarisere
Forklar the intermediate disturbance hypothesis
Bang diversitet er højest når disturbance er i midten. Hvis den er for lav flækker C strategien bare og hvis den er for høj flækker R strategien. I midten er diversiteten en blanding af de to og diversiteten er højest.
Hvad er epilithon, epiphytic og episammon?
Epilithon - betiske alger der gror på sten epiphyton - bentiske alger der gror på macrophytter Episammon - tror de bare gror på sand så vidt jeg kan forstå
Hvilke alger er en indikator for P loading
Hvis en stream er domineret af diatoms er det en god indikator for P loading. Er faktisk ikke sikker på hvorfor synes ikke jeg kan finde nogle gode grunde til det. Men de er også påvirket af alkalinity hvor de vokser mere ved høj alkalinity så derfor er de måske ikke de bedste indikatorer ved høj alkalinitet.
Hvad er nogle konsekvenser / roller macrofytter har i streams
Laver mange diverse stream habitats som andre organismer kan bo i stabiliserer sediment - faciliterer growth af andre macrofytter. De får sedimentation rates til at stige og får derved turbiditet til at falde og så kommer der bedre light penetration. holder gang i key functions og related biodiversity De kan være temporary nutrient sinks. Giver ekstra N removal ved at øge denitrifikation
Hvordan påvirker macrofytter microalger, bacterier og fisk
Microalger - increased sub surface substrate area and shading bacteria - increased sub surface substrate area and increased cyclig of organic matter fish - Hiding, substrate, modify physical and chemical conditions, modify food resources and act as food.
What does stream metabolism tell us
Carbon cycling an stream metabolism tells us about what is produced in the stream and outside the stream It can also inform us about the efficiency of the ecosystem in converting organic mattr back to co2 compared to how much is transported down stream. Its basicly the balance between consumption and export.
Snak om denne mange gange den er super vigtig
Rearation is highest in top - fast flowing shallow water. Reaeration is when oxygen used is replaced with oxygen from atmosphere.
GPP = Gross primary production ER = Ecosystem respiration NEP = Net ecosystem production GPP - ER = NEP NEP > 0 - autotrophic NEP < 0 - heterotrophic NEP = 0 - equilibrium
Snak lidt om denne
We can use oxygen to meassure oxygen but we also have to meassure rearation between water and atmosphere - thats the plus minus E. it the water is oversatursated difussion will go out and it will go in if its not satturated.
Are streams often heterotrophic or autotrophic?
Huge contribution from alloctonus material. Most respiration happens on alloctonus material On an anual basis streams are heterotrophic. But there can be few days where the streams are autotrophic. Days with a lot of sun with high temp then they can be autotrophic. In mid summer basicly. Could also be streams with very little riparian imput - sourced with groundwater for instance.
What is transient storage?
Transient storage Transient storage is the part of the water that is moving slower than the most of the water. Things are then stored in the water for some time - in a transient state. It is imporrtant. The more time the water stays in the reach the longer processes like decomposition can occur. So more is decomposed in trannsient storage areas. Can be in pools, backwaters, hyporheric zone and mycrophyte beds
What is shown on this graph?
It shows transient storage. X-axis: Time after tracer release (in minutes). Y-axis: Concentration of the tracer (RWT, or Rhodamine WT dye) in parts per billion (ppb). The shape of the curve shows how the tracer moves through the system: Initial rise (blue arrow): The tracer enters the main channel and begins dispersing downstream. Prolonged tail (pink arrow): Tracer is slowly released back from storage zones, creating a delayed decline in concentration over time. Left side figure. Its a model showing the fow in a channel. The water that is flowing some of it is moving into storage stays there for a while and moves out again into the channel. The storage area/capacity You can get how much water goes into the transient area by putting salt into the system. If there was no transient storage it would follow the black line. K1 is the blue pil and the purple arrow tells something about k2. something about how fast (dont think we have to know this. Just if its a hsort tail or long tail.
Which types of organic matter can be found in a stream?
Autochtonus sources: algee and macrophytes basicly. Allochtochtonus sources: coming from outside (leaves (CPOM), any big course particulate organic matter. Can alsoo be fine (FPOM) or dissolved (DOC). FPOM can also be FBOM (fine benthic organic matter) seston is suspended in the water. We seperate them cause they are food source for different organisms. DOM is the largest pool of organic carbon in the stream. A lot of it is very hard for microbes to decompose - they often have very complex organic molecules which is hard to use for microbes. Although its a very big pool its not the most important when we talk about food web. CPOM. - leaves, macrophytes and animal parts within and outside the stream. FPOM - breakdown of CPOM and also feeces of smaller organisms - the difference is just size. DOM - groundwater for instance.
What happens to CPOM when it enters the stream?
It is broken down eventually to FPOM over a series of steps through invertebrates and microbes. All steps present a food source for some invertebrates.
What are some pollution sources in streams?
This is organic matter pollution sources. All above can be altered by human activity. Aquaculture are still a huge source of organic matter. They dont also increase nutrients but also organic matter (and then more nitrogen)
How will global warming, land use change and flow regulation affect streams in regards to light regime, thermal regime and flow regime?
1. Light Regime Global Warming: Longer ice-free periods, earlier leaf-out, and later leaf-fall extend the period of photosynthetically active radiation. Land-Use Change: Increased sediment load and reduced riparian shading decrease light penetration into streams. Flow Regulation: Reduced sediment load, altered water depth, and changes to riparian vegetation can increase or decrease light availability. 2. Thermal Regime Global Warming: Increases in mean annual temperatures directly raise water temperatures, affecting metabolic rates in aquatic organisms. Land-Use Change: Loss of riparian shading and channel incision amplify temperature fluctuations in streams. Flow Regulation: Releases of cold or warm water from reservoirs (e.g., hypolimnetic releases) and shallow basin retention alter the natural thermal regime. Har ikke plads til at skrive mere se billedet for flow regime
How do the functional groups change in abundance through the stream orders?
Shredders: High abundance in forested headwaters (low order) where CPOM (like leaves) is the main food source. Collectors: Large-particle collectors dominate in mid-order streams. Fine-particle collectors become more important in high-order streams due to FPOM abundance. Grazers: Peak in mid-order streams where periphyton production is high (e.g., more light and less canopy cover). Filter Feeders: Increase downstream as FPOM becomes abundant and flow dynamics support suspension feeding. Sediment Burrowers: More common in low-gradient, large rivers with soft sediments.
What is the redifeld ratio? How do you know whats limiting in the stream?
N and P interresting in streams. Sometimes both sometimes one. Demand is higher than availability Redfield ratio: C:N:P = 106 : 16 : 1 these are moalr based. If the N:P ratio deveates from 16:1 you can see what is limiting. If you can see the C:N:P within the organism it reflects the availability in the system. Because looking in the system is not always the best because it goes up and down depending on precepitation etc.
Which forms of N and P do we work with in streams?
Nitrogen can be organic or inorganic. Can be dissolved or total. Most we talk about nitrate and amonium for inorganic dissolved nitrogen. Dissolveed organic can be part of enzymes or dna. Particulate organic nitrogen (PON) can be part of phytoplankton PO43- is the inorganic phosphor that we look at. DOP - dissolved organic P POP - particulate organic P There is also particulate inorganic phosphorus.
How do dissolved nutrients enter the stream?
Upstream, precipitation, ground water, overland flow, subsurface flow (drainage etc) channel sources. Nitrogen is coming with the water (easily dissolved for instance nitrate) Phosphurous comes with particles (soil etc) but also as free in the water. The more water the more total nutrients will be transported to and in the stream. Also affected by processes in the bank, groundwater etc.
What are the main sources of P and N in danish streams?
See picture Punktkilder = spildevadsrensning eller spredt bebyggelse.
N cycle: What is assimiatory uptake and dissimilatory transformation? How can a stream remove N?
Assimilatory (der hvor den optager N) og Dissimilatory (der hvor den bruger det i en elektrontransportkæde). Dissimilatory = nitrification and denitrification. Denitrification is the only process that removes nitrogen from the stream. Happens in areas areas with slow moving water (no oxygen) or deeper in the sediment. Can also happen in thiick biofilm because there can be anoxic conditions. Indirect nitrification - det har lige været en tur igennem en mikroorganisme først. Direct betyder at det ikke har været assimileret først.
Where does most uptake of nutrients happen?
FBOM, roots, macrophytes, dead leaves, cobble and wood. These are sites if you want to measure uptake you would need to meassure these.
Fortæl lidt om phosphor cyklussen Kan der også ske både dissimilatory og assimilatory? Hvad sker der når der ikke er ilt?
Ilt til stede: phosphor er bundet jern - alle er glade. Når ilt ikke er til stede bliver phosphor frigivet fra jern og gjort tilgeængeligt for mirkoorganismer. Souluble p is what the organisms can use (phosphate or autophosphate). Some may be exchanged to sediment with oxygen it will will be sorbed to sediment particles in water column and surface. Desorbtion takes place with no oxygen. When no oxygen you have more solluble P. when the P enters oxygenated areas it can be taken u or sorbed again. Its only used as assimilatory uptake.
What is the nutrient spiraling length
Nutrient spiriling length is how far is how far from it being turnt into ammonium then it is taken up again. The spiraling length s short if there is limitation of the nutrient. It is demand compared to availability. If there is a high production the spiral length is short. Low production long spiral length. SW = uptake lenght how long it travels before it is taken up again. The length in the biota = Sb. Uptake length can be meassured
How do we determine nutrient retention in streams?
You add nutrient to the stream. Then you can meassure the concentration down stream. You know how long time it takes until the water has been exchanged by doing the salt thing. You can pump amonium together with the salt.
How can we determine nutrient uptake length (Sw) and nutrient uptake rate (U) and nutrient uptake velocity (Vf)? What are these measures indicators of?
Sw is basicly how far the nutrients travel before taken up. grows with nutrient aailability. Sw is an indicator of retention efficiency. If length is shorter its more limited and better at retaining nutrients. Sw is influenced by discharge. The uptake rate (black line) if theres a lot of nutrients aailable the uptake rate increases. Its an indicator of uptake capacity because it has a max where more nutrients doesnt mean a higher uptake. Uptake velocity (red line) how fast an atom is mooving towards an uptake site. It shows demand/availability. If you have high demand vf is high or if you have high availability Vf is low.
How do we compare nutrient Sw accros different ecosystems?
If its a small stream the N is more probable to hit a macrophyte or something. So you can only compare Sw of laeks in simiar sizes. To compare different typees of streams then you use Vf (uptake velocity) instead. If you want to compare different ecosystems the you use the real uptake rate (U).
How do we calculate uptake length (Sw)?
Sw = 1/K K = longtitudinal loss rate. enheden er pr meter.
How do you calculate Uptake velocity (Vf)? How about uptake rate=
First you calculate Sw and then you can calculate Vf and then you can calculate U
What controls nutrient uptake rates in streams?
Controls on nutrient uptake: - Assimilation bu autotrophs - Heterotrophic uptake or transformation - Physical adsorption (especially P) - Hydrolic storage (I transient zones går vanedt langsomt så her kan N nå at reagere piv meget. Så her kan der ske meget N transformation. ) - Ion exchange Chemical complexation High Q (vandføring) also means higher volume så er der mindre probability for cantact. Og vandet ryger hurtigt ud. Stream size er også vigtig. jo større stream jo længere traveler nutrients så højere Sw
Forklar denne:
Direct and indirect effects of macrophytes. Macrophytes can store nutrients. They can both slow down water and increase surface transient storage (water column transient storage) and they can also uptake nutrients them selves. There is a deposition of organic matter - oxygen is used and denitrification can increase in areas without oxygen.
How does the nutriet cycling differ between seasons?
Seasonality: Demand / availability (V_f). There is a lot of removal of No3 in spring. They prefer ammonium but there is more nitrate. Removal is highest in spring. Respiration is high in the autmn. Only net uptake of phosphurus here. There is a coupeling between high respiration and P uptake.
How come its important to have different species present in regards to nutrient uptake?
Not all macrophytes behave in the same way. There is a variaty in uptake of amonium nitrate and phosphurus for both amphibius and submerged plants. If you have many species you have bigger proability that uptake rate is high during the whoole season. Variability can give complementary effect.
Say some clever stuff about this graph in relation to biological control of nutrient uptake and seasonality
Assimilatory uptake - highest when there is high production (so in forrest when there is light and no leaves - spring) Heterotrophic uptake - when a lot of stuff enters the stream - fall When flood comes the biofilm is scoured. Can be used to explain metabolism and relate it to nutrient uptake as well for exam.
What are some effects off land use on nutrients?
Land use - increased nutrients and decreased retention time when you straighten out the lake. Nutrient uptake and metabolism can be used as a proxy for land use and the degree of agricultural landuse.
What is the definition of a wetland?
It not quite terrestrial and not quit aquatic. Defination nedenunder. They need to have one or more of the following three attributes: 1) The substrate is saturated with water or covered by shallow water at some time during the growing season of each year. 2) The substrate is predominantly undraind hydric soil 3) The land supports hydrophytes (addapted to wetland conditions).
Why is it important to manage wetlands?
Lot of biodiversity. Lost of wetlands species is disporportionatly high compared to other ecosystems. Has many functions and values in landscape: nutrient processing (function = independant of humans like nutrient processing, values = human thinking that we like it) It reduces damage caused by floods by slowing and storing water. Good at recharging ground water in drought periods Are very involved in nutrient reemoving and unpooliting water. It thereby improves water quality. Its a habitat for plants and animals. Bird migrations are always using wetlands as stopping ground.
What is a hydroperiod?
Hydroperiod: overall seasonal pattern of waterlevel.
Hvad siger dette slide?
Wetlands er ikke altid wet. De skal bare være det 5% af growing season. If water is over brown line it is inundented (flooded)
What are hydric soils?
Dark soil without oxygen Oxidation coulurs orange so the hydrolic soil is black except places where roots have oxidised soil
Which of these is a wetland?
Here B is wetland C is probably also wetland. A is not wetland.
What are hydrophytes
Plants that are typically found in wet habitats.
What is the top level of classification of wetlands?
Classification hydrology: Hydrological classification is the highest level in hieracy. estuaries and stuff are also wetlands. Riverine: rivers Lacustrine: lakes esturines: estuarier Palustrine: det man normalt tænker på med et wetland. Den vi kigger på i kurset altså det der er vigtigt for os.
What is the second top level of classification of wetlands? Hvad er de fire klasser af wetlands inden for dette som vi arbejder med på dette kursus?
Nu kigger vi på soils: substrat, pH og kemi Dette kan så bruges til at inddele i fire klasser af wetlands i dette kursus Fire klasser: Bog (mose) Fen (kær) Swamp (sump) Marsh (marsk)
Hvad kan du sige ud fra dette slide?
Ombrotrophic - left = rainwater fed (low in nutrients) (low in pH) Minerotrophic - Right : groundwater and surface water fed (ground and surface water are brining nutrient = more productive) (more buffers = higher fertility) Fra venstre mod højre: Bog Fen Swam Marsh
Forklar bog / mose
Bog wetland - 100% of water comes from rain. Low pH. For instance Sphagnum moss will be dominating here. Soldyg also grows here because its a kødædende plante.
Forklar fen / kær
Fen water is a mixture of rainwater and ground water/ surface water owerflow. They recieve nutrients from sources other than precipitation Less acidic with higher nutrient levels than bog
Forklar swamp / sump
Swamp in us exclusively used when woody plants (trees) are dominating. Mangrove forrests are also swamps. In europe: swamp is not only trees. Dominated by ground and surface water inflow. Water table is often above water level. Decomposition rates are higher because of nutrients and higher pH. Soil is now not only organic but both inorganic and organic material.
Forklar marsh / marsk
Marsh: Regular water level fluctiations. Less organic material.
Forklar ephermal wetlands
Ephemeral wetlands: It can dry up completely
Forklar riverine wetlands
Next to river bits of river system function as wetlands.
Sæt disse i rækkefølge fra mest til mindst produktiv, hvilke er P limited og hvilke er N limited? Hvilke er ombrotrophic og hvilke er minerotrophic? Hvor er det mest syre? Hvor er det højest turnover rate? Bog, Fen, swamp, Marsh
Bogs have lower fertility (less nutrients), Are more acidic due to rainwater imput. This means they have more organic peaty soils. Bogs have low productivity and a slow nutrient turnover. Often P-limited. Minerotrophic systems tend to be more Nitrogen limited. This is because there is inorganic nitrogen in rainwater, but no natural input of phosphorus in rain water. Also because plants need much more nitrogen than phosphorus. Only few ecosystems need phosphorus.
What is the best way to determine nutrient availability in the wetland?
Soil is the indicator of nutrient availability and not water because it can be diluted by rain etc. Soil can be organic or mineral. Organic - Is there when rates of decomposition is slow. For instance bog has low N and P and therefore microbal decomposition is really slow. Then you have many plant remains Mineral is when the rates of decomposition is high.
What is the difference between organic and mineral soils?
Organic - Is there when rates of decomposition is slow. For instance bog has low N and P and therefore microbal decomposition is really slow. Then you have many plant remains
What is the relation between nutrient availability/fertility and diversity in wetlands typically? where do you find the most rare species?
Fertility: Diversity is highest at intermediate fertility. Its called a hump-backed curve. At low levels only few species can survive at high levels strong competetors win. Often species that occur in low fertility are very rare even though species richness here is lower.
What is the relation between number of rare species and fertility?
Most rare in low fertility and least rare in high fertility
What type of wetland is this?
This is a fend but in the bog end of the scale.
Place bog fen swamp and marsh here How can this ratio be used to determine type of wetland?
Rækkefølgen var bog, fen, swamp, marsh N:P ration in plant tissue is an important indicator of what is limiting in wetlands.
Hvordan kan du vide om et system er phosphor limited?
If N:P > 16 -> phosporus limited If N:P < 13 - N limited If N:P is between 13-16 - co limited or not limited
Which wetland types are typically N limited which are typically P limited
Most in the really high nutrient ones are unlimmited here you can see that the bogs are P limited and swamps and marshes are mostly n limited.
How are wetlands important for nutrients?
Wetlands are important for storing and binding nutrients. Its makes the release of nutrients slower. Compared to other water plants wetland plants decompose slowly so the nutrients are released slower. Especially minerotrphic wetlands are good at storing nutrients.
Helt kort hvilke nitrogen processor sker eller kan der ske i wetlands?
Nitrogen processes in wetlands Volatilization = NH4 - NH3. Tends to happen at high pH (you dont want this to happen if you have fish because that means pH is to high, (but if you just want to remove nitrogen then this might be a good idea to raise pH up to 9.) This is really smart because to take the N completely ou of the system. Anammox = NO2 -> N2. (Can happen under basicly any condition) ellers er det NH4+ + NO2− → N2 Dinitrification = NO3 - N2 To do the last two you need nitrifikation. The white layer is oxygen. The nitrification in wetlands is limited by oxygen.
Hvor sker der meget nitrifikation? Hvorfor er dette vigtigt?
Nitrikation can happen around the roots, because here is oxygen. Roots in the system gives a whole extra zone that can be involved in nitrification. Der bliver dannet NO3 som potentielt kan blive N2 tror jeg og så kan det fjernes eller optages i rødderne???.
Name the inputs and outputs of the hydroperiod, and also explain what is the hydroperiod
Hydroperiod: The seasonal pattern of of water level you can say it's a water budget
How are wetlands usefull in periods of extreme rain and drought?
Wetlands are both good at flood control and maintaining water during a drought. Without wetland discharge = runoff With wetland - discharge will happen way slower. This also means if there is a drought then wetlands provide water. So restoring wetlands at head water then streams are way less likely to dry out