English 2
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115 questions
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Manzana | Apple |
Apple | Manzana |
Aguacate | Avocado |
Avocado | Aguacate |
Plátano | Banana |
Banana | Plátano |
Uvas | Grapes |
Grapes | Uvas |
Naranja | Orange |
Orange | Naranja |
Durazno | Peach |
Peach | Durazno |
Pera | Pear |
Pear | Pera |
Piña | Pineapple |
Pineapple | Piña |
Fresa | Strawberry |
Strawberry | Fresa |
Sandía | Watermelon |
Watermelon | Sandía |
Zanahoria | Carrot |
Carrot | Zanahoria |
Tomate | Tomato |
Tomato | Tomate |
Pepino | Cucumber |
Cucumber | Pepino |
Lechuga | Lettuce |
Lettuce | Lechuga |
Espinaca | Spinach |
Spinach | Espinaca |
Papa | Potato |
Potato | Papa |
Cebolla | Onion |
Onion | Cebolla |
Ajo | Garlic |
Garlic | Ajo |
Champiñón | Mushroom |
Mushroom | Champiñón |
Leche | Milk |
Milk | Leche |
Salchichas | Sausages |
Sausages | Salchichas |
Pan | Bread |
Bread | Pan |
Agua | Water |
Water | Agua |
Papas fritas | Chips |
Chips | Papas fritas |
Chocolate | Chocolate |
Chocolate | Chocolate |
Pastel | Cake |
Cake | Pastel |
Pizza | Pizza |
Pizza | Pizza |
Jugo de naranja | Orange juice |
Orange juice | Jugo de naranja |
Carne | Meat |
Meat | Carne |
Arroz | Rice |
Rice | Arroz |
Azúcar | Sugar |
Sugar | Azúcar |
Café | Coffee |
Coffee | Café |
Sal | Salt |
Salt | Sal |
Queso | Cheese |
Cheese | Queso |
Mantequilla | Butter |
Butter | Mantequilla |
Sopa | Soup |
Soup | Sopa |
Hot dog | Hot Dog |
Hot Dog | Hot dog |
Fruta | Fruit |
Fruit | Fruta |
Verdura | Vegetables |
Vegetables | Verdura |
Galleta | Cookie |
Cookie | Galleta |
Ensalada | Salad |
Salad | Ensalada |
Pollo | Chicken |
Chicken | Pollo |
Hamburguesa | Hamburger |
Hamburger | Hamburguesa |
Sándwich | Sandwich |
Sandwich | Sándwich |
Melón | Melon |
Melon | Melón |
Elote | Corn |
Corn | Elote |
Huevo | Egg |
Egg | Huevo |
Mermelada | Jam |
Jam | Mermelada |
Pescado | Fish |
Fish | Pescado |
Miel | Honey |
Honey | Miel |