French Food
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Boisson | Drink EXEPTION |
Cafe | Coffee EXEPTION |
Boisson gauzeuse | Soda |
Chaucolate chaud | Hot chaucolate |
Jus | Juice |
Lait | Milk |
The | Tea EXEPTION |
The glace | Ice tea EXEPTION |
Leau | Water |
La nouriture | Food |
Plat | Dish |
Ingredient | Ingredient |
Morceau | Piece |
Tranche | Slice |
Banane | Banana |
Barbe a papa | Cotton candy |
Beurre | Butter |
Biscuit | Cookie |
Bonbon | Candy |
Boeuf haché | Ground beef |
Bouillon | Broth |
Champignon | Mushroom |
Chocolat | Chocolate |
Cornichon | Pickle |
Creme fouette | Whipped cream |
Crème glacée | Icecream |
Crêpe | Crepe |
Crevette | Shrimp |
Dinde | Turkey |
Épices | Spices |
Fraise | Strawberry |
Frites | Fries |
Fruit | Fruit |
Fromage | Cheese EXEPTION |
Fruit de mer | Seafood |
Gâteau | Cake |
Gaufre | Waffle |
L'huile | Oil |
Jambon | Ham |
Laitue | Lettuce |
Légumes | Vegitables EXEPTION |
Maïs | Corn |
Moutarde | Mustard |
Noix | Nuts |
Oeuf | Egg |
Oignon | Onion |
Pain | Bread |
Pâte | Dough |
Pâtes | Pasta |
Pizza | Pizza |
Poivre | Pepper |
Poivron | Bell pepper |
Pomme | Apple |
Pomme de terre | Potato |
Poisson | Fish |
Poulet | Chicken |
Raisins | Grapes |
Rasin sec | Rasins |
Riz | Rice |
Salade | Salad |
Sandwich sous-marin | Submarine sandwich |
Sauce tomate | Tomato sauce |
Sel | Salt |
Sirop d'érable | Maple syrup |
Soupe | Soup |
Steak | Steak |
Sucre | Sugar |