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In English

Created by:
Lapras Fan

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What are the 2 different types of chromatin and whether are they expressed or not

Heterochromatin - not expressed and densly packed Euchromatin - expressed

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Transcription/Translation - Details



12 questions
What are the 2 different types of chromatin and whether are they expressed or not
Heterochromatin - not expressed and densly packed Euchromatin - expressed
What are the 3 stages of transcription
Initiation Elongation Termination
What processes are done to produce a mature mRNA from pre-mRNA
Capping at the 5 prime end, a 5 prime cap is added to protect the DNA Tailing at the 3 prime end, a polyA tail is added to protect the DNA Splicing - in the middle it removes the introns which are non-codded regions
What are the 4 types of RNA
RRNA - ribosomal RNA mRNA- messenger RNA tRNA - transfer RNA4 miRNA - microRNA
During tailing, what is needed?
Lots of ATP PolyA polymerase enzyme
Define Splicing
Removal of introns using a splicosome complex which cuts introns out and sticks exons together
What is a codon wobble defined during translation
Multiple codon/anticodons for each amino acid , signalled by using the letter I
What are the 3 stages in translation and what happens in each
Initiation - Recognition of the start codon ( AUG ) and binding to form a methioyl tRNA ribosome ELongation - Translating the protein by 5 prime to 3 prime growth Termination - STOP codon recognition and dissociation of ribosome
What is the complex formed when an anticodon and codon are formed
Codon-anticodon complex using hydrogen bonds