Geography 22/10/2020 | Memory

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Geography 22/10/2020

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12 questions
Give 4 push and pull factorsof Urbanisation in LIDCs?
Push factors: 1)Natural disasters 2)Mechanisation of farming 3)Drought 3)Conflict Pull Factors: 1)More jobs 2)Education 3)Family reunion 4)Better quality of life
What are the 3 economic consequences of rapid urbanisation?
1)High levels of unemployment 2)People in informal employment get underpayed and jobs aren't taxed so economy stunted 3)People cant get jobs because they weren't educated
What are the social consequences of rapid urbanisation?
1)Arent enough houses so people end up in squatter settlements 2)Infastrucure cant be built to keep up so people dont have access to basic services 3)High crime rate
What are the environmental consequences of rapid urbanisation?
1)Heaps of rubbish sometimes toxic 2)Sewage and toxic chemicals get into rivers damaging habitats 3)Congestion
Describe Lagos?
1)Coast of Lagos western shore of a large lagoon 2)21 million people, grows by 500,000 a year 3)Contains 80% of Nigereas industry 4)Main financial centre for whole of west africa
Why is Lagos under rapid urbanisation?
1)4 times higher average income 2)has loads of TNCs 3)Diversifying
Describve the ways of life in Lagos.
1)2/3 population live in slums, rich live in gated communities e.g. banana island 2)Nollywood, Afrobeats 3)Western style shopping malls
Desribe squater settlements.
1)Illeagal wooden flimsy houses on stilts - people face eviction 2)One primary school in makoko 3)15 households per toilet - raw sewage straight into lagoon 4)communal water point 3km from some homes 5)high crime rate 'area boys'
Describe health in Lagos.
1) No propper sewage 2)Maleria 3)Healthcare centres are limmited as people can't afford 4)Rural migrants distrust western medicine and seek traditional healers
Describe Lagos informal jobs.
1)Lack of formal jobs so people do informal e.g.scavange rubbish to sell items 2)60% population have informal jobs 3)long hours, little pay 4)Street stalls bulldozed to do things like road widening
Describe waste disposal in Lagos.
1)population 9000 tonnes per day 2)40% rubbish officially collected 3)waste disposal and emmisions not delt with- water and air pollution
Describe sustaionable soloutions in Lagos.
Lagos state intergrated waste managment project made to reduce landfill & pollution 1)World bank - financing project to collect waste from foodmarkets turn to compost 2)Ikosi food market - methane produced from waste, burnt to generate electricity - site at Olusosun -pipes placed in rubbish to collect methane