GRE Verbal Word Groups
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GRE Verbal Word Groups - Leaderboard
GRE Verbal Word Groups - Details
64 questions
🇬🇧 | 🇬🇧 |
Capricious, mercurial, volatile | Changing Quickly |
Credulous, naive, gullible, novitiate, ingenuous, tyro | Innocent/Inexperienced |
Abstruse, ambiguous, arcane, bemusing, cryptic, enigmatic, esoteric, inscrutable, obscure, opaque, paradoxical, perplexing, recondite, turbid | Difficult To Understand |
Articulate, cogent, eloquent, evident, limpid, lucid, pellucid | Easy To Understand |
Astute, canny, erudite, perspicacious | Smart/Learned |
Acerbic, acidulous, acrimonious, asperity, caustic, mordacious, mordant, trenchant | Biting (as in wit or temperament) |
Acclaim, accolade, aggrandize, encomium, eulogize, extol, fawn, laud/laudatory, venerate/veneration | Praise |
Baleful, baneful, deleterious, inimical, injurious, insidious, minatory, perfidious ,pernicious | Harmful |
Burgeoning, callow, engender, inchoate, incipient, nascent | Beginning/Young |
Altruistic, beneficent, clement, largess, magnanimous, munificent, philanthropic, unstinting | Generous/Kind |
Bombastic, circumlocution, garrulous, grandiloquent, loquacious, periphrastic, prolix, rhetoric, turgid, verbose | Overblown/wordy |
Abhorrence, anathema, antagonism, antipathy, detestation, enmity, loathing, malice, odium, rancor | Hatred |
Dilettante, fledgling, neophyte, novitiate, proselyte, tyro | Beginner/Amateur |
Indolent, inert, lackadaisical, languid, lassitude, lethargic, phlegmatic, quiescent, slothful, torpid | Lazy/Sluggish |
Ameliorate, appease, assuage, defer, mitigate, mollify, placate, propitiate, satiate, slake, soothe | Pacify/Satisfy |
Absolve, acquit, exculpate, exonerate, expiate, palliate, redress, vindicate | Forgive/Make amends |
Ardent/ardor, doctrinaire, fervid, partisan, tendentious, zealot | Favoring/Not impartial |
Abnegate, abstain, ascetic, spartan, stoic, temperate | Denying of self |
Ambulatory, itinerant, meander, peripatetic | Walking about |
Aberrant, anachronism, anomalous, discrete, eclectic, esoteric, iconoclast | Eccentric/Dissimiliar |
Chortle, droll, facetious, flippant, gibe, jocular, levity, ludicrous, raillery, riposte, simper | Funny |
Defile, fetid, invidious, noisome, odious, putrid, rebarbative | Disgusting/Offensive |
Abeyance, abjure, abnegation, abortive, abrogate, decamp, demur, recant, recidivism, remission, | Withdrawal/Retreat |
Bereave, cadaver, defunct, demise, dolorous, elegy, knell, lament, macabre, moribund, obsequies, sepulchral, wraith | Death/Mourning |
Abatement, aperture, fissure, hiatus, interregnum, interstice, lull, orifice, rent, respite, rift | Gaps/Openings |
Askance, awry, careen, carom, circuitous, circumvent, gyrate, labyrinth, meander, oblique, serrated, sidle, sinuous, undulating, vortex | Not a straight line |
Appraise, ascertain, assay, descry, peruse | Investigate |
Anachronism, antecede, antedate, anterior, archaic, diurnal, eon, ephemeral, epoch, fortnight, millennium, penultimate, synchronous, temporal | Time/Order/Duration |
Asperity, baleful, dour, fell, malevolent, mordant, sardonic, scathing, truculent, vitriolic, vituperation | Hard-Hearted |
Cacophony, din, dissonant, raucous, strident | Harsh-sounding |
Euphonious, harmonious, melodious, sonorous | Pleasant-sounding |