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Gross Anatomy and Imaging

In English

Created by:
Lapras Fan

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Features of kidneys

Bean shaped organs L3-T11/T12 Retroperitoneal Lie on the posterior abdominal wall Right kidney is slightly lower than the left kidney --> due to liver

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11 questions
Features of kidneys
Bean shaped organs L3-T11/T12 Retroperitoneal Lie on the posterior abdominal wall Right kidney is slightly lower than the left kidney --> due to liver
What muscles lie posterior to the kidney
Psoas is medial to the kidney Quadratus lumborum is posterior to the kidney / also contains the thoracocolumnar fascia Transversus abdominis is anterior to the kidney
What are the 3 regions of the ureter where kidney stones commonly lodge
At the junction between the renal pelvis and ureter Where the ureter crosses the pelvic brim Where the ureter passes into the bladder
Where is the renal artery located anatomically
Inferior to the superior mesenteric artery Posterior to the renal vein
What is nutcracker syndrome
This is entrapment of the left renal vein between the abdominal aorta and superior mesenteric artery
What shape is the bladder when empty and full
Empty --> tetrahedron shape and in the true pelvic cavity Full --> Spherical and can reach as high as the umbilicus
Advantages and Disadvantages of Radiography
Advantages : Useful for radio-opaque stones and Cheap Disadvantages : Use of ionising radiation, Poor resolution and Limited use for imaging the urinary system
Advantages and Disadvantages of urogram
Advantages : Useful for checking the normal function of kidneys, Cheap and Particularly useful in resource limited settings. Disadvantages : Contrast medium is injected into a vein and Series of X rays required
Advantages and Disadvantages of CT scans
Advantages : Creates 3D axial ‘slices’ of the body and Can be used without contrast or with contrast Disadvantages : High dose X-ray (Ionising radiation) beam moves around the body in a circle and is more costly than X ray.
Advantages and Disadvantages of MRI scans
Advantages : Excellent resolution and Good evaluation of soft tissue Disadvantages : Noisy. Time-consuming, Expensive, Patient has to remain still for a prolonged amount of time, Image contrast determined by tissue density.
Advantages and Disadvantages of ultrasounds
Advantages : Can be used to quickly evaluate the size and shape of the kidneys and also uses high frequency sound waves with a good resolution Disadvantages : Operator dependant