practice the past participles of irregular verbs in English in sentences.
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69 questions
🇬🇧 | 🇬🇧 |
BET | BET - I've bet a lot of money on that horse. |
COST | COST - These shoes must have cost you an arm and a leg! |
CUT | CUT - Ouch! I've cut my finger. |
HIT | HIT - He has hit fifteen home runs this season. |
HURT | HURT - You've hurt his feelings. |
LET | LET - Who's let the dog out? |
PUT | PUT - I've put some sugar in your coffee. |
SHUT | SHUT - She has shut all the windows. |
LOSE | LOST - I've lost my keys again! |
SHOOT | SHOT - They have already shot the movie. |
GET | GOTTEN - Her English has gotten better in the last year. |
LIGHT | LIT - They've lit all the candles. |
SIT | SAT - They have all sat down for the ceremony. |
KEEP | KEPT - I've kept your secret. |
SLEEP | SLEPT - You look like you haven't slept for a week! |
FEEL | FELT - I've never felt this tired in my life. |
LEAVE | LEFT - I've left my job. |
MEET | MET - Have you ever met my mother? |
BRING | BROUGHT - I've brought the books you need. |
BUY | BOUGHT - Have you bought a new car? |
FIGHT | FOUGHT - She has never fought with her husband. |
THINK | THOUGHT - He has never thought he would lose her. |
CATCH | CAUGHT - They have all caught a cold. |
TEACH | TAUGHT - The teacher has taught us the present simple. |
SELL | SOLD - They've sold their house. |
TELL | TOLD - Have I told you my side of the story? |
PAY | PAID - Have you paid all your bills this month? |
MAKE | MADE - I've made so many mistakes on my test! |
STAND | STOOD - She has stood up for her rights all her life. |
UNDERSTAND | UNDERSTOOD - He must have understood what I said. |
LEND | LENT - I've lent him my car. |
SEND | SENT - I've already sent you the email. |
SPEND | SPENT - She has already spent all her salary this month. |
BUILD | BUILT - They have built a beautiful house on the beach. |
FIND | FOUND - I've found a perfect vacation spot for us. |
HAVE | HAD - I've had it with all of your complaints! |
HEAR | HEARD - Have you heard the news about our company? |
HOLD | HELD - She has held many positions in this company. |
READ | /red/ (READ) - I've already read all the books you lent me. |
SAY | SAID - She has said the truth. |
DRIVE | DRIVEN - Have you ever driven a Porsche? |
RIDE | RIDDEN - Have you ever ridden a motorcycle? |
RISE | RISEN - The cost of having a baby has risen significantly. |
WRITE | WRITTEN - Have you written the report yet? |
BITE | BITTEN -I guess she has bitten more than she can chew. |
HIDE | HIDDEN - They have found hidden messages in the text. |
BREAK | BROKEN - The boy has broken his arm. |
CHOOSE | CHOSE - She chose to accept the promotion. |
SPEAK | SPOKEN - He has spoken to thousands of people. |
WAKE | WOKEN - He has woken up at noon. |
BLOW | BLOWN - They have blown up a bridge. |
GROW | GROWN - The kids have grown so much since I last saw them. |
KNOW | KNOWN - How long have we known each other? |
FLY | FLOWN - I've never flown with this airline. |
DRAW | DRAWN - I refused to be drawn into the discussion. |
SHOW | SHOWN - Has he shown any remorse at all? |
WEAR | WORN - I've never worn a brown suit. |
TEAR | TORN - She has torn up all his letters. |
BEGIN | BEGUN - It has begun raining. |
DRINK | DRUNK - I've drunk too much. It's time to stop. |
SWIM | SWUM - They have swum for hours in the pool. |
RING | RUNG - The bell has rung again. |
SING | SUNG - She had never sung in public. |
EAT | EATEN - Have you eaten all your vegetables? |
FALL | FALLEN - The little girl had fallen off her bike. |
FORGET | FORGOTTEN - Have you forgotten our anniversary? |
GIVE | GIVEN - He has given us a lame excuse about his tardiness. |
SEE | SEEN - Have you seen your boss today? |
TAKE | TAKEN - Have you taken the Covid vaccine yet? |