ISDS 705 Chapter 13
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ISDS 705 Chapter 13 - Details
22 questions
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RAM scraping or storage scanning software: | Malicious code that scans for sensitive data |
Data harvesters: | Cyber criminals who infiltrate systems and collect data for illegal resale |
Cash-out fraudsters: | Criminals that purchase assets from data harvesters to be used for illegal financial gain. They might buy goods with stolen credit cards or create false accounts |
Botnets: | Surreptitiously infiltrated computers |
DDoS Distributed denial of security attacks: | Shutting down websites with a crushing load of seemingly legitimate requests |
Hackers: | Someone who breaks into computer systems |
White hat hackers: | Uncover computer weaknesses without exploiting them. |
Black hat hackers: | Computer criminals who exploit a system's weakness for personal gain. |
Hactivists: | Infiltrate a system and exposing information as a protest seeking to make a political point |
Griefers or Trolls: | Malicious pranksters |
Bad Apples: | Rogue employees who steal secrets, install malware, or hold a firm hostage |
Social engineering: | Con games that trick employees into revealing information or performing other tasks that comprise a firm |
Phishing: | Cons executed technology in order to: acquire sensitive information, trick someone into installing malicious software |
Spoofed: | Emails transmissions |
Zero-Day Exploits: | New attacks that haven't been clearly identified and haven't' been incorporated into security screening systems |
Malware: | Seeks to comprise a computing systems without permission |
Viruses: | Infect other software or files |
Worms: | Take advantages of security vulnerability to automatically spread |
Trojans: | Attempt to sneak in by masquerading as something they're not. |
Botnets or Zombie networks: | Used in click fraud in sending spam to decipher accounts that use CAPTHAS |
CAPTHAS: | Scrambled character images to thwart automated account setup or ticket buying attempts |
Screen capture: | Records pixels that appear on a users screen to identify proprietary information |