KOMA Terminology
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59 questions
🇬🇧 | 🇬🇧 |
Master Instructor of the Dojang | Kwang Jang Nim |
Master Instructor | Sa Bum Nim |
Instructor | Kyo Sah Nim |
Assistant Instructor | Jokyo Nim |
Black Belt Student | Yoo Dan Jang Nim |
Adult | Sung-In |
Students trained to assist class | Leadership Team Member |
Gear used for Sparring | Sparring Gear |
Chest Protector | Hogu |
Event when students black tip and lower earn the next belt | Belt Assessment |
Taekwondo School | Dojang |
Uniform | Dobok |
Attention | Cha ryuht |
Bow | Kyungnae |
Ready | Choon Bi |
Yell | Kihap |
Stop | Keuman |
Stance used for kicking | Kicking Stance |
Begin | Shi-jak |
Relax | Shiuh |
Bow to the flag | Kukki gye kyungnae |
Bow to the Master of the Dojang | KwangJangNim gye kyungnae |
Bow to the Master Instructor | SaBumNim gye Kyungnae |
Bow to the Instructor | KyoSahNim gye Kyungnae |
Bow to the Assistant Instructor | Jokyo Nim gye Kyungnae |
Bow to the adult | Sung-in gye Kyungnae |
Bow to the black belt(s) | YooDanJangNim gye kyungnae |
Student stands up | Stand up |
Students line up by rank order to end class | Line Up Finish Class |
Student enters their number to check in for class | Log in for class |
Students form a line in front of the instructor | OneLineIn front of me |
Students stand on a white dot on the mats | Find a white dot |
Students are allowed to leave the class | Class dismissed |
Stance used for sparring | Sparring Stance |
Break (stop) | Kalyeo |
Continue | Kae Sok |
Blue | Chung |
Red | Hong |
Forms | Poomsae |
Starting position for a hand technique | Starting Position |
Ending position for a hand technique | Ending Position |
Flag | Kukki |
Thank you | Kam sa hamnida |
The posiiton a foot is in when executing a kick | Foot Position |
Help the student think about the best way to behave | WhatShould you be doing |
Stretching and pushing the student | IFeelYouCanDoMoreThanThat |
Requesting the student to repeat the technique | CanYou do that again? |
The main focus for all drills and classes | Give 100% effort |