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L19 loco Pharma

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Traditional NSAIDs

Inhibit COX-1 and COX-2 so moderate anti-inflammatory but cause GI toxicity & Platelet dysfunction

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Traditional NSAIDs
Inhibit COX-1 and COX-2 so moderate anti-inflammatory but cause GI toxicity & Platelet dysfunction
Selective COX-2 Inhibitors
Inhibits COX-2 selectively no GI symptoms & no Platelet dysfunction so use in patients with thrombocytopenia
Prevents thromboembolic and coronary – vascular diseases
Anti- inflammatory given IV cause cataracts , osteopenia &- Suppression of adrenal & immunity
Gold salts
Do not repair existing damage, but prevent further damage - Taken up by macrophages and suppress phagocytosis and lysosomal enzymes
Slow bone destruction and RA progress - Used also in heavy metals toxicity but cause nephritis, aplastic anemia, dermatological problems
Not be used in pts with G-6-P-D deficiency or sulfa allergy - AEs: mainly on GIT and hemopoitic system & hypersensitivity
Slows progression of erosive bone lesions, and may induce remission - Used in malaria & RA - Causes few AEs: GIT upset, itch, dermatitis, headache, vision blurring
Inhibitor of pyrimidine synthesis and affects T cell proliferation , they effects on bone marrow suppression - AEs: hypertension & severe skin rash , Teratogenic; Not used in women who are pregnant , pts with TB, renal, hepatic or bone marrow impairment
Used to treat cancer , Inhibits purine and folic acid ,-Not used in pregnancy & in Pts with renal or hepatic impairments - AEs: mucosal ulceration and nausea, liver cirrhosis & pneumonia-like syndrome
Inhibits proinflammatory and immunomodualtory action of IL-1 which in RA pts, is present in the joints and blood in excessive amounts and damage it
Anti TNF- α Agents Usually combined with methotrexate but cause inflammation at injection site so not give in case of infection
Anti TNF- α Agents ↓ progression of structural damage & ↑ physical function of RA pts. Used for Crohn disease Usually combined with methotrexate - AEs: fever, infections, itch
↓ RA signs and symptoms & ↓ progression of structural damage - AEs: headache, nausea, rash & local reaction at injection site