lab 9 & 10
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lab 9 & 10 - Leaderboard
lab 9 & 10 - Details
380 questions
🇬🇧 | 🇬🇧 |
1 | Pulmonary semilunar valve |
2 | Right atrium |
3 | Tricuspid valve |
4 | Interventricular septum |
5 | Right ventricle |
6 | Left atrium |
7 | Aortic semilunar valve |
8 | Bicuspid valve |
9 | Endocardium |
10 | Myocardium |
11 | Epicardium |
12 | Left ventricle |
1 | Auricle of right atrium |
2 | Auricle of left atrium |
1 | Pectinate muscle |
2 | Chordae tendineae |
3 | Trabeculae carneae |
4 | Papillary muscle |
1 | Epiglottis |
2 | Thyroid cartilage |
3 | Cricoid cartilage |
4 | Trachea |
1 | Right superior lobe |
2 | Right primary bronchus |
3 | Trachea |
4 | Left primary bronchus |
5 | Left superior lobe |
1 | Hilum |
2 | Apex |
3 | Base |
1 | Diaphragm |
2 | Spleen |
1 | Esophagus |
2 | Cardiac sphincter |
3 | Cardia |
4 | Lesser curvature |
5 | Pyloric sphincter |
6 | Pylorus |
7 | Antrum |
8 | Greater curvature |
9 | Rugae |
10 | Fundus |
11 | Fundus |
1 | Liver |
2 | Gall bladder |
3 | Transverse colon |
4 | Ascending colon |
5 | Greater omentum |
6 | Descending colon |
7 | Lesser omentum |
8 | Stomach |
1 | Liver |
2 | Gall bladder |
3 | Greater omentum |
4 | Stomach |
5 | Lesser omentum |
1 | Duodenum |
2 | Ascending colon |
3 | Cecum |
4 | Mesentery |
5 | Appendix |
6 | Ileum |
7 | Jejunum |
8 | Stomach |
1 | Plicae circulares |
1 | Hepatic flexure |
2 | Ascending colon |
3 | Cecum |
4 | Rectum |
5 | Vermiform appendix |
6 | Sigmoid colon |
7 | Descending colon |
8 | Spleen flexure |
Blank | Transverse colon |
1 | Appendix |
2 | Taenia coli |
3 | Ascending colon |
4 | Transverse colon |
5 | Descending colon |
6 | Epiploic appendices |
7 | Rectum |
Blank | Haustra |
1 | Right atrium |
2 | Pulmonary semilunar valve |
3 | Trabeculae carnea |
4 | Right ventricle |
5 | Myocardium |
6 | Interventricular septum |
7 | Papillary muscle |
8 | Left ventricle |
9 | Endocardium |
10 | Left atrium |
1 | Auricles |
2 | Epicardium |
1 | Tricuspid valve |
2 | Chordae tendinae |
3 | Aortic semilunar valve |
4 | Bicuspid valve |
1 | Inguinal lymph node |
2 | Inguinal lymph vessels |