Learning Vocabulary
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134 questions
🇪🇸 | 🇬🇧 |
Anuncio | Ad |
Anunciar | Advertise, announce |
Anunciar | Advertise |
Anuncio publicitario | Advertisement |
Solicitante | Aplicant |
Solicitud | Application |
Aplicar | Apply |
Benéfico | Beneficent |
Beneficioso | Beneficial |
Beneficiosamente | Beneficially |
Beneficiario | Beneficiary |
Beneficio | Benefit |
Confiar | Confide |
Confianza | Confidence |
Seguro | Confident |
Confidencial | Confidential |
Emplear | Employ |
Empleado | Employee |
Empleador | Employer |
Empleo | Employment |
Experiencia | Experience |
Entrevista | Interview |
Entrevistado | Interviewee |
Entrevistador | Interviewer |
Persona | Person |
Personal | Personal |
Personalizado | Personalized |
Personal | Personnel |
Puesto | Position |
Entrenar | Train |
Aprendiz | Trainee |
Entrenador | Trainer |
Entrenamiento | Training |
Esperando | Expecting |
Aceptar | Accept |
Aceptable | Acceptable |
Aceptación | Acceptance |
Aceptando | Accepting |
Asistir | Attend |
Asistencia | Attendance |
Asistente | Attendant |
Atención | Attention |
Desarrollo | Develop |
Desarrolladores | Developers |
Desarrollo | Development |
Esperar | Expect |
Expectativa | Expectation |
Esperando | Expecting |
Facilitar | Facilitate |
Instalaciones | Facility |
Forma | Form |
Formato | Format |
Red | Network |
Gestión de redes | Networking |
Procedimiento | Procedure |
Proceder | Proceed |
Procedimiento | Proceeding |
Proceso | Process |
Procesando | Processing |
Específico | Specific |
Específicamente | Specifically |
Especificación | Specification |
Específicos | Specifics |
Especificar | Specify |
Cuenta | Account |
Contador | Accountant |
Contabilidad | Accounting |
Presupuesto | Budget |
Consultar | Consult |
Consultor | Consultant |
Consultoría | Consulting |
Documento | Document |
Documentación | Documentation |
Firme | Firm |
Interés | Interest |
Interesado | Interested |
Interesante | Interesting |
Inventario | Inventory |
Organización | Organization |
Organizar | Organize |
Pagar | Pay |
Por pagar | Payable |
Pago | Payment |
Beneficio | Profit |
Rentabilidad | Profitability |
Rentable | Profitable |
Propuesta | Proposal |
Supervisar | Supervise |
Arreglar | Arrange |
Arreglo | Arrangement |
Folleto | Brochure |
Completo | Complete |
Terminación | Completion |
Gestionar | Manage |
Administración | Management |
Director | Manager |
Gerencial | Managerial |
Operar | Operate |
Operación | Operation |
Operacional | Operational |