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Alex Moss

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Which piece of UK legislation implements the Sustainable Use Directive?

Plant Protection Products (Sustainable Use) Regulations 2012

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142 questions
Which piece of UK legislation implements the Sustainable Use Directive?
Plant Protection Products (Sustainable Use) Regulations 2012
What does MRL mean?
Maximum residues level
In what instance can you not reduce product water volume?
If it increases concentration by 10x, label specifies MUST not, label specifies serious damage to eyes, haz-chem signage for toxic or corrosive
What does breach of COPR 1986 adjuvant legislation entail?
Break of cross compliance and farm assurance
What are the 3 conditions of LERAP B reduction for a product?
Water course width, Product rate, Nozzle rating
What does LERAP A dictate?
A 5m buffer zone for boom sprayers and 1m for knapsack or boom sprayer if ditch is dry
What does LERAP B dictate?
A 5m buffer zone for boom sprayers and 1m for knapsack but a LERAP can be undertaken to reduce the buffer zone
What does LERAP stand for?
Local Environmental Risk Assessment for Pesticides
How can used pesticide containers be disposed of?
A licensed waste disposal contractor
What does the Interim Scheme dicatate?
Any product with a buffer of over 5m is not eligible for a reduction via LERAP and the full 6-20m buffer zone must be observed
What are the obligations of a person buying poisons?
Sign the poisons register, prove the need for purchase, lock pesticide in a secure store
What is COSHH
Control of Substances Hazardous to Health
What does the Plant Protection Product Regulation (statutory conditions) 2012 aim to achieve?
Effective pesticides safe to the environment, operator and consumer
Under COSHH regulations, what does ESTOP mean?
Eliminate risk, substitute product, technological controls, operational controls, PPE from label
What are MRL's a measure of?
Good agricultural practice
What general obligations do the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 impose on an employer?
To ensure as reasonably practical, the health and safety and welfare of employees by providing necessary PPE, training and supervision
What general obligations do the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 impose on an employee?
To take reasonable care of their own health and the safety of others
What general obligations do the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 impose on a supplier?
To ensure substances are safe when; being used, handled, transported and stored whilst providing information on risks, safe usage and disposal
What is the COSHH definition of a hazard?
Potential of a substance to cause harm
What is the COSHH definition of risk?
Likelihood that a substance will harm people
What was COSHH 2002 created to reduce exposure from?
Pesticides, nutrients, dust, mould spores and silage additives
Regarding pesticide use, COSHH regulations apply if:
A pesticide label exhibits a warning sign in accordance with the CLP regulation, the HSE has set an OEL, any of the above in substantial concentration
What is an OEL or MEL and where can they be found?
Occupation exposure limit in the EH40/2005 document
What is FEPA?
The food and environmental protection act 1985
What are the aims of the FEPA 1985?
Protect the life of humans, creatures and plants. Safeguard the environment. Secure, safe and efficient humane control of pests. Publicize pesticide information
What is the SUD?
Sustainable use directive 2009/128/EC
Who authorizes EAMU's and why?
CRD following assessments of specific data
What does the Environmental Protection Act 1990 stipulate?
It is an offence to keep or dispose of controlled waste in a way that is likely to pollute the environment or harm people
What does the Food Safety Act 1990 stipulate?
Must be able to prove due diligence in handling food stuffs for human consumption
What does the Water Industries Act 1991 stipulate?
To secure the quality of drinking water supplies
What does the Pesticides Act 1998 stipulate?
Power to local authorities to seize unapproved pesticides
What does the Groundwater Regulations 1998 stipulate?
Consent is required from the EA to dispose waste pesticide onto agricultural land
What does the Environmental Permitting Regulation 2010 stipulate?
Offence to cause or permit the discharge of poisonous, polluting or noxious matter into waters
What should suitable chemical handling gloves be?
Nitrile rubber with a minimum thickness of 0.5mm and 300mm length
What is the LD50?
Lethal dose for 50% of the pest
List the 7 statutory conditions:
Field of use, crop, maximum dose, latest application and harvest interval, operator protection, environmental protection, other product specific conditions
What is the voluntary initiative?
Reduction of pesticide usage through IPM
In a pesticide store, where should gassing compounds be found?
In a lockable, sealed metal container above the bund labelled "moisture activated gassing compounds"
What should the bund capacity of a pesticide store be?
110% of maximum holding capacity and 185% if in an environmentally sensitive area or 50m from a borehole
A pesticide store ramp must be a maximum of how steep and why?
<5 degrees to prevent load destabilization
What must be visible on the external door/walls of the store?
Danger, no smoking and naked flame signage
What items must be present in a pesticide store?
Spill kit, 2x 500ml eyewash irrigators, dry powder extinguisher, emergency action plan, first aid kit outside
What must a pesticide store be capable of?
Lockable, adequate lighting, frost protection, non direct sunlight, accurate stocktakes and organisation of chemicals, well ventilated, away from combustibles, away from public view and away from watercourses
Where should the first aid/ eyewashers be?
Outside the store and by the store entrance
What must be a feature of mobile chemical storage?
Lockable bunded cabinet not in the cab, danger signage, eyewash irrigators
What are the types of adjuvants?
Surfactants, stickers, oils and penetrants
What is the definition of an adjuvant?
A substance other than water, without significant pesticidal properties, which enhances or is intended to enhance the effectiveness of a pesticide, when added to that pesticide
What must adjuvants prove prior to authorisation?
Safety to consumer and environment but not crop safety
What must CRD see for an EAMU to be approved?
Safety to consumers and environment
What must be carried out prior to using an adjuvant?
Check if the adjuvant is listed on secure pesticides and check the conditions of use listed
Describe the EU approval process for plant protection products
Manufacturer produces a full data registration dossier, Rapporteur country (EFSA appointed) assesses the dossier and submits a draft evaluation report (DAR) to EFSA, EFSA consults experts in member countries to review draft evaluation report to form a suitability assessment and MRL conclusion report, Standing Committee of Plants Animals Food and Feed vote for approval
Describe the UK approval process for plant protection products
Manufacturer submits product dossier to HSE/CRD, CRD validate trial data and check its efficacy and send evaluation to Expert Committee on Pesticides (ECP), ECP provide independent evaluation to the ministerial committee (DEFRA) on conditions of approval, MAPP number is allocated if product is authorised
What are the various types of product approval?
Full, limited, off label, emergency, generic, parallel
What must the grower do when applying a product via an EAMU?
Keep the EAMU for 3 years, to ascertain conditions of use. At growers risk
What must be found on a pesticide transporting vehicle?
Signage, spill kit, eyewash irrigator, fire extinguisher, PPE, first aid
What does the Sustainable Use Directive entail for growers?
Machinery testing, record keeping, training operators, IPM, Protect the environment
What are the obligations around buying and selling part 2 poisons? First, give a part 2 poison example
Aluminum phosphide, Must have need to use, sellers must be registered with BASIS, comply with SUD, buyer must hold certificate of competence
What is stage 1 of a sprayer calibration? How is it performed?
Leak checks, set high pressure and test for failures
What is stage 2 of a sprayer calibration? How is it performed?
Check booms, nozzles, welds, anti drip valves, breakbacks, boom height
What is stage 4 of a sprayer calibration? How is it performed? Equation?
Output test, jug test, water volume x speed x nozzle spacing / 600
What mode of action are pyrethroids?
Sodium channel inhibitors
What mode of action are neonicitinoids
Acetylcholine receptor inhibitors
How do organophosphates work?
Binds to acetylcholinesterase enzyme, preventing breakdown of acetylcholine and causing constant stimulation
How do carbamates work?
They act as competitors to acetylcholine for the substrates surface and cause a build up of acetylcholine and constant stimulation
How do pyrethroids work?
Bind to a protein, voltage gated sodium channel and prevents it from closing, causing constant stimulation
How do noenicitinoids work?
Mimics acetylcholine but cannot be broken down by acetylcholinesterase, causing overstimulation
What are the 4 main steps of IPM?
Assessment of pest and lifecycle, prevention using cultural control, observation of thresholds, intervention with pesticides as a last resort
What is the correct tank mixture sequence?
Water dispersible granules, adjuvant, suspension concentrate, emulsifiable concentrate, trace element
Describe the Arthropod buffer scheme
A label specific distance, using margins and crop as a buffer zone to protect non-target insects
Describe the DRT (drift reduction technology) scheme
Allows use of drt to use products that would otherwise be unauthorised. 30m buffer reducible to 18m, 12m or 6m dependent on label by using 3 star nozzles
What was the Sustainable Use Directive created to achieve - 5 points
Machinery calibration NSTS, Record keeping, Training operators, IPM methods, Protecting the environment