class 1 English 1
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50 questions
🇬🇧 | 🇬🇧 |
Frighten | Scare |
Reach | Come |
Start | Begin |
Look | See |
Bump | Hit |
Like | Enjoy |
Look out | Watch out |
Wear | Put on |
Marry | Tie the knot |
Hurry up | Get a move on |
Let me know | Keep me informed |
Keep me posted | Keep me updated |
Get back to me | Notify me |
Chop chop | Snap it up |
Step on it | Scoot |
Once in a while | Sometimes |
Love | Like very much |
Look after | Take care of |
What do we call a baby frog? | Tadpole |
Goat | Kid |
Return | Come back |
Reception | The big party after the wedding ceremony . |
Proposal | When a man or a woman asks someone to marry |
Bride | The woman who is getting married. |
Groom | The boy who is getting married. |
Engagement ring | A piece of jewellery that the bride and groom exchange. |
Ask | Enquire |
Why do we use a paintbrush? | We use a paintbrush to paint pictures. |
Why do we use a chair? | We use a chair to sit on it. |
Terrible | Extremely bad. |
Crawl | To go on hands and knees. |
Thin | Slim |
Store | Reserve |
Silent | Quiet |
Stop | Halt |
Stupid | Halfwit |
Hometown | A place where we were born and lived as a child. |
Scold | Speak angrily |
Laze | To spend time doing nothing. |
Put down | To land |
Put back | To return |
Rooster | A grown up male chicken |
Hen | A grown up female chicken |
Look up | Find the meaning |
Moment | A very short period of time |
Wedding | Marriage |
Groom | Bridegroom |
Burp | Belch |
Fart | Pass wind |
Stumble | Trip |
Kings | King |
Keys | Key |
Lions | Lion |
Lotus | Lotus |
Oranges | Orange |
Onions | Onion |
Owls | Owl |
Parrots | Parrot |
Pens | Pen |
Pans | Pan |
Queens | Queen |
Roses | Rose |
Rabbits | Rabbit |
Rain | Rain |
Sun | Sun |
Ships | Ship |
Snakes | Snake |
Tigers | Tiger |
Trees | Tree |
Tops | Top |
Umbrellas | Umbrella |
Urns | Urn |
Uniforms | Uniform |
Vans | Van |
Violins | Violin |
Vegetables | Vegetable |
Watches | Watch |
Watermelons | Watermelon |
Wells | Well |
Xmas trees | Xmas tree |
Xrays | Xray |
Xylophones | Xylophone |
Yaks | Yak |
Yachts | Yacht |
Zebras | Zebra |
Zippers | Zipper |
Zero | Zero |
Crocodile | Crocodiles |
Butterfly | Butterflies |
Lily | Lilies |
Neem | Neems |
Tea | Tea |
Sunflower | Sunflowers |
Daisy | Daisies |
Marigold | Marigolds |