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Lung Ventilation

In English

Created by:
Lapras Fan

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What are the values of partial pressure in alveolar air

pO2 --> 13.3 kPa pCO2 --> 5.3 kPa

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10 questions
Partial pressure in venous blood
PO2 --> 6 kPa pCO2 --> 6.5 kPa
What is the movement of air with reference to partial pressure values
PO2 in alveolar gas > pO2 in returning blood pCO2 in alveolar gas < pCO2 in returning blood So oxygen will diffuse into blood and carbon dioxide out
What are factors that determine the rate of diffusion
Area Resistance to diffusion Gradient of partial pressure
What is Henry's law
The solubility (at equilibrium) of a gas in a liquid is directly proportional to the partial pressure of that gas. P = kHc P → partial pressure C → concentration K → solubility of the substance H → henry’s law constant
What is dead spac
Only part of the inspired air is therefore available for gas exchange - the remainder is contained in Dead Space and undergoes no interaction with the blood. This is known as Serial Dead Space